Regionalization and Administrator Assignments
Regionalization Regionalization is used to assign people and institutions to various regions/districts/EPS market codes. Recruiters can be assigned to a region. Administrators can be assigned to a person or institution based on district/region/EPS market code. Even high schools can be assigned to a region. Multiple geographic regions can be assigned to an individual or to an institution. Multiple administrative roles such as recruiter, reader, etc. can be assigned to the same person or to an institution. Address inserted/updated on SPAIDEN. Collector table populated. Trigger creates record in collector table using address types on GTVSDAX. Batch process maintains Geo Reg/Div code. GORPGEP wakes up, reads collector table, updates (create, delete) Geo Reg/Div codes for address revisions. Geo Reg/Div code is store in table. If batch process is not running, GOAPGEO can be used to manually enter Geo Reg/Div codes. @00000171 Emma Woodhouse has regionalization data. 012710 Booker T. Washington HS has regionalization data.
GTVSDAX setup Internal Code Group External Code REGION REGION ADDRESS PR* *A different address type can be used
Creating Regions Regions are created on STVGEOR Divisions are created on STVGEOD Rules for Geographic Regions and the Geographic Region/Division codes are established on SOAGEOR Regions are a geographic area. Divisions are the office controlling the region code. Recruiting, Alumni, etc.
Regions can be based on city, state, county, nation & zip code Zip codes can include a range of values. All other codes must have the same value in column A and column B Regions can be based on city, state, county, nation & zip code
Person Geographic Region/Divisions Report (GORPGEO) Records are created in a collector file (GORCGEO) when addresses are entered for recruits and applicants To move the records from the collector file to the Geographic Regions by ID Form (GOAPGEO), GORPGEO must be run
Region assignments are displayed on the Geographic Region/Divisions by ID Form (GOAPGEO)
High Schools can also be assigned to regions manually or in batch by running the SBGI Geographic Region/Divisions Report (GORSGEO) The region information can be viewed or edited on GOASGEO
Additional Uses The geographic region of individuals and institutions can be used when creating the rules for material creation.
Administrator Assignments Administrators can be assigned to High Schools and Person records based on a variety of data elements Administrators must be assigned a role of SOAAROL After administrators have roles, rules can be attached to determine which records should be assigned to them
Steps in creating Administrative Assignments Administrative Role Code Validation Form (STVRADM) Administrator Role Form (SOAAROL) Administrator Role Rules Form (SOAADAS) Administrator Assignments Process (SORAINF) Administrator’s Assignments Form (SOAAINF)
Administrative Role Code Validation Form (STVRADM) Define the administrator’s role
Administrator Role Form (SOAAROL) Assign a role to the administrator
Administrator Role Rules Form (SOAADAS) Use data elements to attach assignment rules to the administrator
Administrator Assignments Process (SORAINF) Administrator’s Assignments Form (SOAAINF) Once the administrators have been assigned by running SORAINF, the assignments can be viewed on SOAAINF
Regionalization Summary Regions can be created by city, state county, nation and zip code and can be assigned to recruits, applicants and high schools Administrators can be assigned to persons and high schools using a variety of data elements Regions can be used in materials creation for communication plans