Gravity Review Name________________ Period___________ How does inertia work in an orbiting moon? How does gravity work in an orbiting moon? What if gravity stopped working? Where would the moon go? Is gravity strong enough to capture passing moons? How does gravity work (Einstein’s General Relativity.) Describe a ball on a sheet. What happens to the sheet when a heavy ball is put on it? What happens when a light ball is added? Which moves towards which? Why does one fall to the other? What does the sheet represent? What is a warp in the sheet? What is gravity? Gravity is a ______ that pulls __________________. Things falling on Earth What part of the Earth do things fall towards? Drop a book and a pencil. Do bigger things fall faster? Drop a heavy thing and a light thing. Do heavy things fall faster? Drop a sheet of paper & a book. Why does the sheet fall differently? Flick a folded card with a penny on each side. Which hit the floor first, he flicked one or the dropped one? What is Inertia (Newton’s First law)? Objects in motion ________________________________. How does this relate to planets or moons in motion? What is an orbit? What force pulls between the Earth and the Moon? Team8-2 Torgerson 2008