The study of the “why of where” Geography: The study of the “why of where”
Scale Scale can mean two things in geography: Map scale: Describes the ratio of distance on a map to actual distance. Relative scale (scale of analysis): The level at which you group things together for examination- i.e. local, regional, national, global.
Map scale 1:50,000 or 1/50,000 1 inch on the map = 50,000 inches 1:1,000,000 Ratio 1/50,000 1/1,000,000 Scale type Large scale Small scale Area covered Small area Large area Level of detail High detail Low detail Purpose City State of province
Regions A region is an area that shares similar characteristics and as a whole is distinct from other regions.
Types of regions Formal regions- Has a shared trait, either physical or cultural. For instance, there are linguistic regions like Latin America.
Types of regions Formal region- Has a shared trait, either physical or cultural. For instance, there are linguistic regions like Latin America. Functional region (nodal region)- Is defined by a particular set of activities or interactions that occur within it. Functional regions have shared political, social, or economic purpose.
Types of regions Formal region- Has a shared trait, either physical or cultural. For instance, there are linguistic regions like Latin America. Functional region (nodal region)- Is defined by a particular set of activities or interactions that occur within it. Functional regions have shared political, social, or economic purpose. Perceptual region (vernacular region)- Is defined by people’s feelings and attitudes about an area. *Frequently based upon stereotypes influenced by travel, media, reading, movies, and conversation.
What kind of a region is it? State of Texas Amazon River Sun Belt Dixie Boulder County France The French speaking area of Europe Chinatown Erie Canal Kentuckiana
Types of cultural diffusion Expansion diffusion- The cultural trait starts at a “hearth” and while remaining strong there spreads outward to new places. *This could happen through contagious diffusion or hierarchical diffusion.
That spread can then trigger stimulus diffusion, where it leads to new innovations.
Another way that traits can spread is with relocation diffusion, where a group migrates and takes the trait with them. *Sometimes that trait is changed in the process.
Cultural barriers, such as religious taboos, can stop cultural diffusion.