Gagne’s events of Instruction Shannon Kelly Dr. Grossman Educ 320
Gain Attention Show a video on bats. m/watch?v=gZxLUNHEm Pw Google interesting information about bats and use them as “fun facts” /animals/bats/ m
Generate anticipation Have students make a PowerPoint on how they would save the bat and what steps they believe would be the best to help the bat. Ask the students to use Microsoft word to make a document demonstrating what steps to take in order to save the bat.
Recall Prior knowledge Go to the computer lab and have to students use Dabbleboard to collaborate on what they know about bats. They can make their own video or just chat about the topic. Have the students write a some bullet points in Word about bats
Explore new material Have students use the computer lab to surf the web and find out information on bats and what steps should be taken to save them. Have students Skype with a bat expert to find out information.
Guide learning The teachers makes an Excel chart to bring all the information together. Use Dabbleboard to make a graphic organizer to bring all the ideas together and invite the students to add new ideas or change existing ones.
Elicit performance Have the students make a PowerPoint and present what they have learned to younger students. Make a video! Students make an instructional video on how to care for a bat.
Give feedback Have students place their material in a drop box on a classroom website and critique and comment on their work. Make a PowerPoint to guide student discussions and allow students to comment on each others work.
Assess Performance Use an Online Gradebook each student will have their own private link and password so the grade remains personal. Have students upload their videos or PowerPoints to either YouTube or in a drop box on the classroom website.
Enhance retention and generalization Have students make another video or PowerPoint to teach the class how bats relate to other animals they are interested in Use Google to research another topic they are interested in relating to animals and their relationships. Read them a story with other animals relating to bats.