1. Black Sea 2. Greece 3. Egypt 4. Red Sea 5. Italy 6. Turkey Name: ________________________ Quiz: Geography of the Mediterranean Directions: Label the following places on the map provided. 1. Black Sea 2. Greece 3. Egypt 4. Red Sea 5. Italy 6. Turkey 7. Saudi Arabia 8. Spain 9. Israel 10. Aegean Sea
City-States (a region controlled by a city that has sovereignty) Abundance of mountains encouraged development of city-states
“Polis;” a city built on two levels “the high city” ~ acropolis (temple) Main city ~ markets, homes, public buildings, etc.
Do you trust the average person to know what is best for your country Do you trust the average person to know what is best for your country? Explain! What qualifications should a person have in order to vote? (i.e. age, sex, etc.)
Demokratia (510 B.C.) “rule by the people” Demos = “of the people” Kratein = “to rule”
“Council of 500” Prepared laws for the assembly Supervised daily work of government
Persian Wars
Background: Persian Wars
Desirous of Athenian wealth Makes demands to the Athenians Athenians do not submit Persians attack Athenian/Spartan alliance Athenian victory! Athens emerges as a powerful city-state
Age of Pericles (460 BCE-429 BCE) “the cradle of western civilization” “We alone, regard a man who takes no interest in public affairs, not as a harmless but as a useless character.” “Salaries will now be given to those who hold public office!”
Do Now: Review, Chapter 5 – Section 3 Describe THREE characteristics of Greece’s golden age. 2. What lead to the decline of Greece’s Golden Age?
Direct v. Representative Democracy
Assembly/Legislature (lawmaking body) WHO WAS IN IT? Male Citizens (excluding a huge slave population & women) Over the age of 30 Land-owners
#2 Athenian power resented “Peloponnesian League” (alliance of city-states to counter Athens) 431 BCE Peloponnesian war b/w Athens & Sparta (anti-demo) Spartan-Persian alliance 404 BCE Spartan victory ends Athenian greatness
Do Now: What led to the decline of the golden age on Greece?
Socrates (469 BCE – 399 BCE) What is a philosopher? Philosopher: “philos” = loving; “sophos” = wise Individuals should live a life guided by reason and self-development (Plato/Aristotle) Conversational questioning style, “Socratic Method” (finding truth by eliminating what is false) Put on trial (70); sentenced to death; “corrupting the young”
The Death of Socrates Jacques-Louis David (1787)
Task: Alexander & the Hellenistic Age IDENTIFY and explain the SIGNIFICANCE of the following people/terms: Philip II * Alexander
KING PHILIP II A new power in Macedonia; admirer of Greek culture Conquers the Greek city-states (338 BCE) Desirous of the Persian Empire
KING PHILIP II Alexander-the-Great
Alexander-the-Great Son of Philip II Tutored by Aristotle Carries out the intentions of his father i.e. continues to conquer!
Effects of Alexander’s Conquest A vast area is linked: Macedonia, Greece, Egypt, Persia, India (a little bit) Eastern & western cultures blend ~ CULTURAL DIFFUSION! A new culture emerges ~ Hellenistic Civilization (a blend of Greek, Egyptian, Persian and Indian influences) City of Alexandria = heart of the Hellenistic world Center of trade and learning!
Building Greek Cities in the East