Modern Western Civilization What are the roots of modern Western politics and culture?
Ancient Greece: Rise of the Polis > City-State Athens Aristocracy>Democracy Key Leaders Solon = reforms Cleisthenes = legislature Pericles = ↑↑democracy All male citizens, poor too! Paid a salary to serve Trial by jury Golden Age Sparta Military style society Monarchy w/ assembly Citizens Native born Male over 30
Big Greek Events Persian Wars Greece saved! Peloponnesian War Marathon Sparta + Athens defeat Persia Greece saved! Peloponnesian War Sparta defeats Athens Golden Age ends!
Create the chart below: Socrates Plato Aristotle From: Job: Wrote: Main Idea: (This should be your biggest column) Other facts:
Where are they all from? ATHENS!!!!!
Where are they all from? ATHENS!!!!! Athens was democracy and citizens had freedom. Who was a citizen? Men who owned property Not women Not slaves
Job? All were Philosophers! They thought about the world and suggested ways to make it a better place.
All were what? Philosophers! They thought about the world and tried to make it better. Philosopher = Lover of Wisdom Sophists were philosophers who Q’d accepted ideas
What did they write? Socrates wrote ___________.
Socrates wrote… Nothing His main idea is = Question Everything! Learn to know yourself by self-examination…
Socrates’ Main Idea? Question Everything! Nobody really knows real truth The smartest person is the one who knows that they don’t know everything.
Fun Fact about Socrates? He was sentenced to death b/c he taught students to question Leaders said he corrupted the youth He willingly took poison, believed it was his duty as a good citizen to obey
Plato was one of Socrates’ students He wrote _________.
Plato wrote: The Republic
Plato: Because Athenian Democracy sentenced Socrates to death…
Plato’s Main Ideas: Democracy is NOT the best system Society should be ruled by virtuous “Philosopher-Kings” Smart & honorable people should be in charge
Fun fact about Plato? Real name was Diogenes Laertius. Plato was a nickname his wrestling coach gave him because he had broad shoulders.
Aristotle: One of Plato’s Students He wrote _______.
Aristotle wrote… Politics
Aristotle’s Main Ideas: The “rule of law” is most important (Politics) Constitutional government ruled by the Middle Class creates justice & stability No one is above the law, even leaders obey
Fun fact about Aristotle? He taught Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was the greatest General of the Ancient world. Alexander spread Hellenistic (Greek) culture
Do you agree with these old bearded men? Socrates= Question everything, don’t accept things people tell you. Use your brain.
Do you agree with these old bearded men? Plato= Smart people should be in charge. Democracy is flawed because there are too many dumb people.
Do you agree with these old bearded men? Aristotle= The rule of law is the most important thing. Everyone should have to follow the same rules.
Practice Test Questions Write the question and your answer. 1. Who believed that in an ideal society the government should be controlled by a class of “philosopher kings”? A Socrates B Plato C Aristotle D Alexander the Great
Practice Test Questions “He who trusts any man with supreme power gives it to a wild beast, for such his appetite sometimes makes him: passion influences those in power, even the best of men, but law is reason without desire. . . .” —Aristotle 2. Which feature of modern Western democratic government reflects Aristotle’s views as described in the quote above? A the direct election of members of the legislature B the power of the courts to review the law C the granting of emergency powers to the chief executive D the requirement that government and its leaders must also adhere to (follow) the law
Practice Test Questions “. . . for the administration of justice . . . is the principle of order in political society.” —Aristotle, Politics 3. From Aristotle’s statement above, it can be inferred that A monarchs can do what they want. B those in power do not have to obey the law. C laws maintain justice and national stability. D majority rule ensures a fair government.