Molecular confinement into single-walled carbon nanotubes Mickey Mouse1, Minnie Mouse1 1 Disneyland, Paris, France Hybrid System: C60@SWNT Elaboration by vapor phase method Investigations by TEM, EELS, Raman, PL… Objectives: Synthesis of a new C60 1D phase Major achievments: A new 1D phase is evidenced with covalent bonding in between C60 [1] X-ray diffraction pattern of raw SWNT (black curve) and peapods (blue curve) [1] Picsou Magazine, 2018, 52, 22489 Open questions: Encapsulation rate of C60? Physical interactions between C60 and SWNT? (van der Waals, p-stacking, charge transfer…) - Can we tune the 1D phase by changing SWNT diameter?