WWI Causes and Conflict.


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Presentation transcript:

WWI Causes and Conflict

What do you know? Brainstorm- do you know anything about World War I? Write down anything you know

The four MAIN causes of WWI

Militarism: The policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army mobilized (or ready for battle) The build-up of military arms or ARMS RACE. Why could this contribute to war?

Alliances: A close association of nations ; nations agree to protect each other. Why could this contribute to war?

Imperialism Countries in Europe were all fighting for control over other areas. Why could this contribute to war?

Nationalism Believing in the supremacy of your nation. Why might this contribute to war?

Jigsaw Read the topic assigned to your table and fill in the chart Within your table, pick one or two people who will present the information to the class 3 most important points

The lead-up

Otto von Bismarck Used war to unite Germany and create a larger empire Then wanted to maintain peace in Europe Saw France as the biggest threat to Germany

Bismarck's plan He decided to isolate France by allying with other countries “As long as it is without allies, France poses no danger to us.” 1879: Bismarck formed the Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary. Italy joined. This was the TRIPLE ALLIANCE

Germany continues to make allies In 1881, Bismarck made a treaty with Russia

Kaiser Wilhelm II New ruler of Germany Forced Bismarck to resign Wanted to show the world how mighty Germany was Extremely proud of Germany’s army “I and the army were born for one another”

Wilhelm's Actions Let the treaty with Russia lapse (end) in 1890 Russia then formed an alliance with France in 1892 Why would this make any potential war particularly difficult for Germany?

The Triple Entente The Triple Alliance Germany Austria-Hungary Italy In 1907, Britain allied with France and Russia Now there were two sides: The Triple Alliance Germany Austria-Hungary Italy The Triple Entente Great Britain France Russia

The Spark Austro-Hungarian Franz Ferdinand was shot June 28, 1914 Austria used this as an excuse to punish Serbia Austria declared war on Serbia

Russia gets involved… Russia, an ally of Serbia, mobilized its troops to defend Serbia Other countries – Italy, Germany – urged Austria and Russia to negotiate But it was too late…

Everyone gets involved… Russia expected that if they defended Serbia, Germany would defend Austria Russia mobilized along the German border and the Austrian border Germany decided this was a declaration of war Germany then declared war on Russia 1st Q: Alliances

Germany jumps in with both feet Germany didn’t even wait to see if France would defend Russia Instantly declared war on France as well France was now in the war Great Britain then joined as well

Battle lines were drawn By August of 1914: CENTRAL POWERS: Germany Austria-Hungary ALLIED POWERS: Great Britain France Russia Japan joins… Italy joined later.

Late Summer 1914 Soldiers marched off to war Most people thought it would be a short war

Making predictions with the map… 1. In which countries was most of the war fought? 2. Why might the war last longer than people had anticipated? List two reasons.