Environmental Indicators F2F Implementing Partners M&E Seminar Thursday, December 7, 2017
Indicator: Impact Potential 12 Area of Potential Environmental/Natural Resource Influence Purpose: To describe the host organization potential for spread of benefits and impacts from the work of the volunteers. To serve as a spatial indicator of the potential influence of F2F Program activities for increased productivity and environmental impacts. Not so much an indicator of F2F Program influence of impact as it is a description of the “recommendation domain” that may be influenced by the volunteer work.
Is this a useful indicator as is? What are the problems with it? Can it be improved upon? Observations Vague Difficult to tell a story Data collection issues deciphering between this and the Area of Production Influence indicator Recommendations Eliminate Indicator: Impact Potential 11 Area of Potential Production Influence Disaggregate Indicator: Impact Potential 12 Area of Potential Environmental/ Natural Resource Influence Mechanical and Physical Biological Chemical Management and Cultural - The Farmer-to-Farmer program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). - The Haiti Nutrition Security Program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Mechanical and Physical Irrigation, new land preparation, or harvesting that reduces erosion or water use, processing and product handling technologies that reduce pollution, contour planting, terracing, etc; Biological New germ plasm (varieties, breeds, etc.) that could reduce water use and/or be more resilient to climate impacts; soil management practices that increase biotic activity and soil organic matter levels; and use of cover crops; Chemical Agrochemical safe storage, application and disposal, reduction toxic pesticide use; Management and Cultural Practices Natural resource management practices that increase resilience to climate change including soil and water conservation and management practices (e.g. erosion control, water harvesting, no-till);
Pros & Cons of Recommendations Other Thoughts?