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Presentation transcript:

Russian Revolution

Objectives Students will… Examine the Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution and its social and political effects in Russia/the Soviet Union. Analyze secondary and primary sources regarding the Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin. W.41 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts determining the causes and consequences of the Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War in Russia, including Lenin’s use of totalitarian means to seize and maintain control including the Gulag.

Setting the Stage In 1881, revolutionaries angry over the slow pace of political change assassinated the czar, Alexander II. Russia was heading toward a full-scale revolution.

End to Reform In 1881, Alexander III becomes czar and ends the reforms of Alexander II. He institutes autocratic rule: total power

Czars Continue Autocratic Rule Government censors written criticism; secret police monitor schools Non-Russians living in Russia are treated harshly In 1894, Nicholas II becomes czar and continues autocratic ways

Russia Industrializes Number of factories doubles between 1863 and 1900 Russia still lags behind other European countries.

The Revolutionary Movement Grows Industrialization breeds discontent over working conditions and wages. Growing popularity of Marxist idea that proletariat will rule Bolsheviks—more radical Marxists who favor revolution by a small committed group

Analyzing Causes

Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov = lenin Bolshevik leader Ruthless leader Fled Russia to avoid arrest

The Russo-Japanese War Defeat in the Russo-Japanese War in the early 1900’s causes unrest in Russia.

Bloody Sunday

Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905 In 1905, 200,000 workers march on the czar’s palace to demand reforms The army fires into the crowd, killing many Massacre leads to widespread unrest; Nicholas if forced to make reforms

Wwi: the final blow The Russian military suffered heavy losses during the war Czar Nicholas II insisted on taking charge on the armed forces Rasputin gained Alexandria’s confidence and began to influence her political decisions.

March Revolution Nobles murder Rasputin in 1916. In 1917, working-class women led a series of strikes- shutting down all the factories The czar ordered soldiers to end this, but many soldiers joined the protest and refused to fire on the crowds.

Lenin Returns to Russia In April 1917, Germans aid Lenin in returning from exile to Russia (pictured in disguise with his goatee shaved and wearing a wig)

Bolshevik Revolution “All power to the Soviets” “Peace, land, and bread” In 1917, workers take control of the government

From Czars to Communists The Bolsheviks promised to: End the war Redistribute land (land given to peasants) Transfer government power to the soviets Transfer industries from capitalists to committees of workers. The Bolsheviks renamed themselves Communists

Joseph stalin Stalin—cold, hard general secretary of the Communists Stalin means “man of steel” Lenin feared Stalin was dangerous 1928 Stalin was in complete control of Communists

Side 2

Homework Using the documents we analyzed in class, compose a well- written essay comparing life for the Russians pre-revolution to life under Stalin. Which situation were the citizens better off under? Cite specific examples from the sources on this handout, your notes, or the textbook. 2 paragraphs UNDERLINE YOUR THESIS STATEMENT