You Got My Back…Right? Causes of WWI
Down To Business Essential Question Explain the causes of WWI
Why Do I Care, Miss. McCormack? World War I is considered the first world-wide war. The magnitude of the conflict that erupted, and the unbelievable mortality rates were unlike anything that could have been imagined at the time. European nations spent years preparing for a war by creating strong, standing armies, and advancing their militaristic technology. This series of ingredients sent shock waves throughout the world as the “Great War” waged on. Furthermore, it directly set the tone for another global conflict: WWII. Without fully understanding the extent of their actions Europe set in motion a series of events that caused the most devastating war the world had ever seen.
Quickwrite Are you willing to fight someone else’s battle? Under what circumstances is it worth it? 3-4 complete sentences
Causes of WWI (1) nationalism rise in nationalism across Europe Rivalries arose between Europe’s great powers over raw materials, new markets, and territories abroad. Britain Germany France Austria-Hungary Russia Italy patriotic feeling, extreme with feeling superior over other countries especially with imperialism
Causes of WWI (2) imperialism and industrialization competition grew as industrialization spurred the need for colonies Colonial conflicts in Asia and Africa further fueled rivalry and animosity between nations.
Causes of WWI (3) militarism arms race glorified military 1914 all of Europe’s great powers had large standing armies highly organized prepared to mobilize quickly Fueled patriotism and fear throughout Europe competition to build weapons Austria Hungary is now czech and slovak, Croatia etc.
Causes of WWI (4) alliance system intended to provide national security from possible enemies Triple Entente (Allies) France, Britain & Russia Triple Alliance (Central Powers) Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy later: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire Entente (antant) respect each others strength, help discourage aggressive tactics balance of power
Causes of WWI (5) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand June 28, 1914 heir to the Austrian Throne killed along with his wife Sophie by a Serbian national named Gavrilo Princip expected to be a short war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia other countries drawn in because of the alliance system For centuries Austria Hungary, Russia and the Ottoman Empire fought over the Balkins area, Russia wants the land friends with Serbia, Germany wants the land too for trade routes from the Middle to Far East Visited Bosnia Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia Russia Allies with Serbia defends Serbia by mobilizing troops Germany who is allies with Austria Hungary warns Russia to cancel mobilization Russia refuses, Germany declares war on Russia, then France. Germany invades neutral Belgium and Britain then declares war on Germany
REWIND List 3 NEW facts stated in the WWI Alliances
Exit Ticket Please complete the following Exit Ticket on a separate piece of paper. What factors contributed to the rise of tensions in Europe? How did they lead to WWI?
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