Cells ___________ ___________ Organ systems Organisms Lesson Starter Copy and complete: Cells ___________ ___________ Organ systems Organisms 2. List the organ systems you can think of 3. What 3 components make up the circulatory system?
The Heart Muscular Blood, Nerve, Muscle tissue Pumps blood around body
The Heart https://www.twig-world.com/film/heart- 976/ Questions.. How big is the heart (roughly)? Roughly how many times does the heart beat each day? How many chambers does the heart have? Why is one side of the heart shown to be blue and one shown to be red? Why is one side of the heart thicker than the other? What causes the sound of the heart beat? Write questions on board before lesson; answer in jotters as they watch clip
Heart Dissection https://www.twig-world.com/experiment/dissection-heart-4179/0
The heart Flipped 4 Chambers Atrium collect blood Ventricles contract and pump blood Cardiac muscle Right Atrium Left Atrium Right Ventricle Left Ventricle
The Heart (copy) The upper chambers are the right and left atria these collect blood. The lower chambers are the right and left ventricles, these pump blood. The wall of the heart is made of cardiac muscle.
The Heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf_IxTS2S8E
Part of the Heart Function Vena Cava Carries deoxygenated blood to the heart Pulmonary Artery Carries blood from right ventricle to lungs Aorta The main artery of the body, supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system Pulmonary Vein Receive oxygenated blood from the lungs
The Heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf_IxTS2S8E
Heart Valves (copy) Valves in the heart prevent the backflow of blood to ensure blood keeps circulating.
Quiz.. Throw the ball, asking a question about the blood and heart; last person standing is the winner. You must be able to answer the question you ask..