Centre Mauritanien d’Analyse de Politiques (CMAP)
Presentation Plan Why CMAP ? What is CMAP ? Goals of CMAP Phases of CMAP Components CMAP Human Ressources Topics Covered Lessons Learnt Contact
Why CMAP ? CMAP is response to : hight level of poverty in Mauritania lack of capacity
Why CMAP ? Implementation of national Poverty Redution Strategy in 2001 (PRSP) Creation of CMAP in 2002
What is CMAP? Project under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development of Mauritania Under the supervision of a steering committee from the Administration, the private sector and civil society Beneficiaries: Administration, Sector Prove Civil Society Funding: Mauritanian Government and the African Capacity Building Foundation in Africa (ACBF) Execution unit: A coordination and expert pool seniors high level
Goal of CMAP Goal The goal of CMAP is to improve the resilience of the Mauritanian economy to internal and external shocks in delivering development results of the PRSP (Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper).
Specific Objectives of CMAP Enhance the analytical knowledge of CMAP in addressing emerging issues identified as key development priorities in Mauritania; Improve agricultural policy environment for sustained productivity; Strengthen the managerial capabilities in the public administration for effective and efficient implementation of public policies and programs; Enhance youth employment policy analysis and management;
Components Research/Studies Youth Empowerment Training Dissemination and Networking Institutional support
Human Resources of CMAP Coordinator Deputy Coordinator Senior Experts (expert for macro economy, expert in development skills, expert institutionalist, expert in social economy, expert for youth employement, expert in monotoring evaluation) Administrative staff Support staff
Phases of CMAP Phase I : 2002 – 2007 (Funding : 1,200,000 USD) Phase II : 2008 – 2012 (Funding : 1,450,000 USD) Phase III : 2013-2016 (Finding: 3,000,000 USD)
Topics Covered by the different phases of CMAP Monitoring PRSP Local and regional development Institutional development Private sector promotion Development Land Feature Employment policy Agricultural policy Administrative modernization
Lessons Learned (1) Strengthen the Knowledge Base The first lesson is the importance gained by the Resource Center of the project, the Center for Documentation and Information (CDI) in disseminating economic information and responding to requests from students and researchers. The CDI became a favorite destination for researchers and contributed to the status of CMAP as a reference Center in terms of resource materials on economic research and development devoted to Mauritania. The CDI was recommended by the key economic line Ministers to their professionals and external missions for the analytic works. However, because of insufficient institutional capacity, the CDI could not satisfy all demands from its visitors. There is a need to strengthen the CDI institutional in order to enable it to meet the increasing demand from researchers and professionals.
Lessons Learned (2) Capacity to deal with emerging development issues The second lesson is the need for the project to be more prepared in anticipating new emerging capacity development issues. CMAP has not been able to work on issues, which triggered the Arab Spring at the end of 2010. However, the project managed to catch up with its significant contribution to the Regional Workshop on Youth Employment organized in June 2011 at the initiative of the ACBF, and with the substantive knowledge it acquired during that successful event. There is a need for the project to invest more time in scrutinizing emerging issues which are affecting the equilibrium of the world in general and North Africa in particular.
Contact Centre Mauritanien d’Analyse de Politiques (CMAP) Tel : + Email : info@cmap.mr Web Site : www.cmap.mr Address : BP 1193 Nouakchott-Mauritania