JRC report on water reuse


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Presentation transcript:

JRC report on water reuse Water Reuse in Europe Relevant guidelines, needs for and barriers to innovation A synoptic overview Laura Alcalde Sanz Bernd Manfred Gawlik CIS Working Group on Programme of Measures meeting 13 October 2014

Context Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) Article 11.: establishment of measures to promote an efficient and sustainable water use. A Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources (COM(2012)673) Blueprint’s specific objective: Maximisation of water reuse. Blueprint’s proposed action: Propose an EU-level (regulatory) instrument on water reuse.

Context European Innovation Partnership on Water COM(2012)216) Strategic Implementation Plan: Water reuse and recycling as a priority area

Context JRC role as Commission in-house science service providing support to innovation activities on water: European Innovation Partnership on Water EIP Water Action Groups: - Industrial Water reuse and Recycling - Cityblueprints (urban water management) DEMOWARE and demEAUmed projects on water reuse Request from DG ENV for a comparison of regulations/guidelines of EU MS

Content Water reuse as a strategic option Health and environmental risks of water reuse Guidelines and regulations for a global water reuse: WHO Australia USA Europe EU legislation related to water reuse Risk-based management for water reuse Water reclamation technologies Barriers to water reuse implementation Conclusions and recommendations

Content Comparison of the most comprehensive water reuse standards in EU MS: Cyprus France Greece Italy Portugal Spain Criteria: Intended uses Analytical parameters Maximum limit value permitted Monitoring protocol Additional preventive measures

Comparison of standards

Comparison of standards

Conclusions and recommendations Integration of water reuse in the water resources management. Convergence of water reuse regulations: establish water reuse rules, regulations, policies, or guidelines based on water reuse experience in the EU MS and elsewhere (e.g. USA, Australia). Economic viability of water reuse projects: reduce the cost of effluent reuse schemes. Public communication: understanding of cultural and social aspects of water reuse.

Thank you for your attention For information: Laura Alcalde Sanz Scientific Support Officer Water Reuse laura.alcalde-sanz@jrc.ec.europa.eu Bernd Manfred Gawlik Scientific Project Leader INNOWATER bernd.gawlik@jrc.ec.europa.eu