Darlington Local Plan 2016-2036 Darlington Partnership 11 July 2016
What is it? Key part of Council’s policy framework Interprets national planning policy locally Identifies where development should happen Identifies natural and physical assets that need to be protected and enhanced; Sets out policies and allocates land to guide and decide planning applications; Spatial expression of One Darlington: Perfectly Placed; Economic Strategy; Housing Strategy etc.
A successful Local Plan should deliver… Well planned, high quality, sustainable places A attractive place to live, work, visit and invest The conditions for economic growth, new jobs and prosperity
A New Local Plan for Darlington Planning for 20 years, 2016 to 2036 To deliver c. 10,000 new homes. To deliver Darlington’s share of the Tees Valley economic ambitions (c. 6000 jobs) To ensure sustainable infrastructure (social and physical) is provided in step To protect valued environment and heritage
Strategic locations for growth The right place The right infrastructure The right business conditions Direct energies to Growth Zones Consider new Growth Zones?
Mixed development Growth Zones Central (town centre, Central Park, Town Centre Fringe) North West (West Park, Garden Village, Faverdale) Eastern (Burdon Hill, Lingfield Point, Redhall)
Strategic Issues & Options Strategic Development Options: Northern Darlington; Western Darlington; Middleton St George; Newton Aycliffe Create a new settlement within the rural area Extend existing villages Export/import an element of housing to/from neighbouring authorities Call for sites
Local place making Housing type Employment opportunities Heritage assets Landscape character Green infrastructure Biodiversity Sport, recreation and open spaces Community facilities Transport, parking and utilities
Get Involved Stage 1: Strategic Issues and Scoping Comments by 15 August 2016 Visioning Event: Thursday 4 August 1.45 – 4.45 Dolphin Centre www.darlington.gov.uk/localplan