The President Chapter 8,9,&17
Presidential Curiosities- 20 YEAR Curse Cycle Since 1840 every 20 years a Presidential election has produced a President who either died in office or was shot. 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 This trend stopped in 1980. Tell who and what happened.
The 50 Year Scandal Cycle 1870 who? 1920 who? 1970 who?
Compare Lincoln and Kennedy’s Assassinations
Presidential Amendments 22nd-1951- Limited the President to 2 terms or 10 years. How can this happen? What Pres. Was this a reaction to? 25th-1967-Esablished the order of succession. V-P, Speaker, President Pro Temp. Section 2 deal with vacancy in the Vice Presidency, the President picks and his choice must be confirmed by a majority of Congress. When in history did the Pres. And V-P receive no votes? If President can’t perform his duties the V-P acts as the President.
Presidential Amendments 12th-1804-Separation of President and V-P on a ballot. This happened because of political parties. Electors are to cast separate ballots for each office. 20th-1933-Moved Presidential inauguration from March 4th to January 20th. 23rd-1961-Gave District of Columbia three electoral votes. Still have no Congressional Representation in D.C.