Opening Activity: May 29, 2018 Make a TITLE Page for “Inheritance” Under the title make a goal for yourself for this unit. Create an “Opening Activities Page” (1 page will be fine, it’s only 7 days.) If you don’t have any space – Make a packet of yellow paper – about 15-20 pages. – See RESOURCE TABLE I can… make an initial model of inheritance of sickle cell disease Homework: CVR due 5/30 Inheritance Initial Model
How has sickle cell disease impacted Shaniya? Meet Shaniya How has sickle cell disease impacted Shaniya? How does Shaniya deal with sickle cell disease? What happens to sickle cell patients as they get older? What questions do you have about Shaniya’s family?
Class Observations
How does a potentially fatal disease persist in a population? One idea: one slip of paper Your biggest question on another slip of paper Crumple them up and put them in the appropriate bowl Idea #1 Big question
Idea Grouping Everyone gets one idea from the bowl and reads it silently One person reads an idea out loud and starts a pile Idea #1 My paper says…
That’s similar to my idea because… 3. Others raise hands if idea is similar and share those ideas. 4. Idea #2 is added to the pile with Idea #1 That’s similar to my idea because… #2 Idea #1 Idea #2 Idea #1
5. Continue until all ideas related to first idea are shared 6 5. Continue until all ideas related to first idea are shared 6. Start again with a new starting idea Idea #2 Me too! Idea #1 Idea #3 #3 My idea is different… #2 #1 #4 #4 #3
7. Repeat until all ideas are shared and categorized 8 7. Repeat until all ideas are shared and categorized 8. Come up with a caption for each idea Idea #5 Idea #6 These ideas say… These ideas say… Idea #4 Idea #2 Idea #1 Idea #3
Match the questions with the below categories! (pd 4) Passed on from parent to child Benefits of disease Genetic mutations Cures/Dealing with Sickle Cell Facts about sickle Cell Other modes of inheritance.
Match the questions with the below categories! (pd 3) Gene Regulation/Proteins Made Cure/How it adapts Benefits of Sickle Cell Cell Division Living with Sickle Cell Passed down through generations
Match the questions with the below categories! (pd 5) Disease is caused by genes or chromosomes. Disease is spread by blood/infections Disease is caused by zodiac signs/external forces. Growing and dividing Sickle Cells is passed down from parent to child. Gene regulation turns on sickle cell or it was dormant.
Initial Models Draw zoom bubbles to show what you think is going on. Remember what you know about genes, proteins, and gene regulation What questions do you have?
Opening Activity: May 30, 2018 I will Stamp CVR and Inheritance Initial Model. Copy the following grid onto you paper. Reflect on processes we have studies so far this year and fill out the grid. Scale Processes Atomic- Molecular Microscopic Macroscopic Large Scale I can… explain what is happening in Shaniya’s genes. Homework: Retake Test Corrections due June 5th. Test Retake 6/7, 6/8 & 6/12 @ 8am. Inheritance Quiz Friday June 15th
Gene Regulation Test Test is out of 26, rather than 27. I took off one point on question #8. It is out of 3 pts, not 4. If you got all 4 pts, congrats, you got extra credit! 23.5-26 A 22 85% Top Retake Grade 21-23 B 18-19.5 C 15.5-17.5 D If you want to retake you must follow the directions: MUST do Test Corrections and turn in by Tuesday June 5th. Sign up for retake time – on clipboard available June 5th. Come take the retake test: Thursday June 7th 8:00am Friday June 8th 8:00am Tuesday June 12th 8:00am
Initial Models Draw zoom bubbles to show what you think is going on. Remember what you know about genes, proteins, and gene regulation What questions do you have?
How is it determined if a person has sickle cell disease or trait? Normal Blood Cells No problem! Sickle Cell Disease 1 in 365 African American Births Can kill if not treated Sickle Cell Trait 1 in 13 African American Births Usually no symptoms
Roundbud colors White molecule Red Pigment molecule Enzyme Q
Cell with gene for non-functional enzyme Q Cell of RED flower Cell of WHITE flower Non-functional gene Functional gene Cell with gene for non-functional enzyme Q Cell with gene for functional enzyme Q
Chromosomes come in PAIRS Matching chromosomes (homologs or homologous chromosomes): one from your mom (maternal) and other from your dad (paternal).
Chromosomes come in pairs Pink represents chromosomes from mother Blue represents chromosomes from father
Remember cell differentiation Remember cell differentiation? The function of a cell is determined by the genes that are expressed in a cell. If the highlighted genes are expressed, what type of cell will this be? ATP synthase enzyme Actin Protein Lactase Enzyme Keratin Protein Osteoblast Enzyme Facilitator Protein ? =
There are actually TWO versions of that chromosome Chromosomes come in PAIRS! From Mother From Father ATP synthase enzyme Actin Protein Lactase Enzyme Keratin Protein Osteoblast Enzyme Facilitator Protein ATP synthase enzyme Actin Protein Lactase Enzyme Keratin Protein Osteoblast Enzyme Facilitator Protein
Pair of chromosomes means you get two versions of each gene From Mother From Father Sickle cell anemia gene Sickle cell anemia gene
Version of gene = Allele Can have different versions of genes These are different “alleles”
Two alleles (versions) for Hemoglobin B protein From Mother From Father Non-functional allele for Hemoglobin B Functional allele for Hemoglobin B
Draw the enzymes and molecules present in the cells of each type of bioflower below. = functional = non-functional Type 1 1 from mom 2 mom 1 from dad 2 dad nucleus
Draw the enzymes and molecules present in the cells of each type of bioflower below. = functional = non-functional Type 2 2A Y1 1A 2B 1B nucleus
Draw the enzymes and molecules present in the cells of each type of bioflower below. = functional = non-functional Type 3 2A 1A 2B 1B nucleus
Opening Activity: May 31, 2018 Explain how it would be possible for a cell to have both functional and non-functional proteins in the same cell. If you need to retake the test, retake tickets are available at the front table – they are due Tuesday June 5th if you’d like to retake the test. Pick up Idea Journal at front table – name & tape in I can… Explain Shaniya’s genes. Explain how proteins fold in sickle cells. Homework: Retake Test Corrections due June 5th. Test Retake 6/7, 6/8 & 6/12 @ 8am. Inheritance Quiz Monday June 11th
Functional, Functional Non-functional, Non-functional The combination of alleles determines the observed characteristics functional allele non-functionalallele non-functionalallele functional allele functional allele non-functionalallele Chromosome combination Allele combination Functional, Functional Functional, Non-functional Non-functional, Non-functional Which combinations produce red? Which combinations produce blue? Observed characteristic RED RED BLUE
The combination of alleles determines the observed characteristics RED allele RED allele BLUE allele RED allele BLUE allele BLUE allele Chromosome combination Allele combination red, red red, blue (or blue, red) blue, blue Which combinations produce red? Which combinations produce blue? Observed characteristic RED RED BLUE
How many red alleles do you need for a red flower? BLUE allele RED allele BLUE allele BLUE allele Chromosome combination 1 Allele combination red, red red, blue (or blue, red) blue, blue Which combinations produce red? Which combinations produce blue? Observed characteristic RED RED BLUE
How many alleles do you need for a blue flower? RED allele RED allele BLUE allele RED allele BLUE allele BLUE allele Chromosome combination 2 Allele combination red, red red, blue (or blue, red) blue, blue Which combinations produce red? Which combinations produce blue? Observed characteristic RED RED BLUE
Dominant and Recessive alleles 1 Only need allele to show trait = DOMINANT Need alleles to show trait = RECESSIVE 2 Could have students write the rule first before giving this slide with the answer Both copies of the color gene need to be the blue allele for the flower to look blue. Flowers only look blue when both copies of the color gene are the blue allele.
Use CAPITAL letters to represent DOMINANT allele Use lowercase letters to represent recessive allele r RED allele R BLUE allele NOTE! They are BOTH the letter R! Usually use the first letter of the word that represents the dominant trait.
The combination of alleles determines the observed characteristics RED allele RED allele BLUE allele BLUE allele RED allele BLUE allele Chromosome combination Allele combination red, red red, blue (or blue, red) blue, blue Which combinations produce red? Which combinations produce blue? Observed characteristic RED RED BLUE
The combination of alleles determines the observed characteristics Chromosome combination Allele combination RR Rr rr Which combinations produce red? Which combinations produce blue? Observed characteristic RED RED BLUE
Phenotype – what you SEE (the observed trait) Genotype – the allele combination (the genes) Example: Trait = “flower color” Phenotype = “RED” or “BLUE” Genotype = “RR” or “Rr” or “rr” R
The combination of alleles determines the observed characteristics Chromosome combination Allele combination RR Rr rr Which combinations produce red? Which combinations produce blue? Observed characteristic RED RED BLUE
The combination of alleles determines the observed characteristics Chromosome combination GENOTYPE RR Rr rr Which combinations produce red? Which combinations produce blue? PHENOTYPE RED RED BLUE
RR rr Rr Homozygous – the two alleles are the same Heterozygous – the two alleles are different Rr
Check -in– with your group Use your understanding of bioflowers to determine the genotypes of individuals with these phenotypes: Phenotype Normal Cells Sickle Cell Trait SC Disease Chromosomes Genotype SS Ss ss
How do proteins fold in a person with sickle cell disease? Procedure: Complete question #1 journal or worksheet. Only write the differences in DNA. USE CODON wheel to note the amino acid dif. Complete Venn diagram to compare HbA and HbS. Read about the amino acids and sketch them out, answering #2 and #3. Use the four types of hemoglobin molecules & string circles to create cells and complete table.
Opening Activity: June 1, 2018 Work Time on Idea Journal (15 min) Movie: Cracking the Code (answer pre questions first) Cracking the Code - Movie Link HW: Inheritance Idea Journal - Allele and Chromosomes Notes - Due 6/4 I can… Complete idea journal for chromosomes and alleles. Homework: Retake Test Corrections due June 5th. Test Retake 6/7, 6/8 & 6/12 @ 8am. Inheritance Quiz Monday June 11th