Do Now: Take out notebook, pencil, and nervous system homework Describe the process that causes you to move your hand off of something hot
Engage Activity Insert the toothpick into the top of the marshmallow Find your pulse on your wrist Place the marshmallow on top of your pulse with toothpick sticking into the air. I will time you for 15 seconds. Count the number of times the toothpick moves and multiply is by 4. Repeat 2 more times to get an average heart rate
Thought Questions to Engage Activity What creates your pulse? Why does the doctor check your pulse rate?
Interesting Facts About the Heart A child’s heart is about the size of a fist, while an adult’s is the size of 2 fists The heart beats about 100,000+ times a day or 2.5 billion+ times in an average life We circulate about 6 quarts of blood every three minutes. In on day you blood will travel 12,000 miles (From US to South pole about)
Notes go on the next blank notebook page
Essential Questions What is the main function of the circulatory system? What are the main organs associated with this system?
Circulatory System Delivers O2 and nutrients to all of the cells in the body and CO2 and waste to the lungs through blood vessels The main organs are the heart (the pump), and the 3 types of blood vessels, arteries, veins, and capillaries
Split into two systems: Pulmonary circulation- sends blood from heart to the lungs and back Systemic Circulation- sends blood to the rest of the body/head and back to the heart
Pulmonary Circulation The lungs are where the oxygen and nutrients are picked up by the blood Carbon dioxide and other waste is released from the blood Both of these things happen in the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs
Systemic Circulation Provides organs, tissues, and cells with blood, so they get oxygen and other nutrients Done through blood vessels
Quick Action – Circulatory System Say Something With a partner quickly discuss the similarities and differences between the two types of systems (pulmonary and systemic) within the circulatory system. You have one minute. GO! ©
Main Blood Vessels Artery- carries blood away from the heart, contains oxygenated blood, blood is red Veins- carries blood back to heart, contains deoxygenated blood, blood is blue
Capillaries- Very tiny blood vessels connecting arteries to veins This is where oxygen is delivered and carbon dioxide/wastes are picked up by blood to go back to heart
Vena Cava- main vein carrying blood back to heart Aorta-main artery that carries blood from heart before branching off to body Vena Cava- main vein carrying blood back to heart Superior Vena Cava- returns blood from the upper body Inferior Vena Cava- returns blood from lower body
Heart Muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system Made up of 4 chambers the right and left atrium and the right and left ventricle Valves are located between the chambers and control the flow of blood to stop it from going backwards
Movement of Blood through the Heart
Movement of Blood Through Body Vena Cava (vein) > heart > pulmonary artery > lungs (picks up oxygen) > heart > aorta (artery) > rest of body
Draw and label a capillary
Circulatory System Video
Circulatory System Poster On a piece of copy paper illustrate and COLOR the Pulmonary AND Systemic Circulations You must include the heart, lungs, aorta, vena cava, and capillaries. Make the veins and aorta the correct color and show the capillaries as being a mixture of the two colors. The best three posters will get 25 extra hero points.