What is your purpose? TO CONVINCE YOUR READER! Persuasive Writing What is your purpose? TO CONVINCE YOUR READER!
Reading Workshop You will earn credit today for having YOUR OWN AR BOOK and reading independently without distracting others.
Brainstorm & Journal Write a chronological journal entry that details the events you’ve read about in your book so far. Include the book title and main character’s name.
Homework Each is worth 2 points -- 1 if they identified the text structure correctly. 1 if they filled in the graphic organizer correctly. 12 pts total!
Remember, our goal is to write with voice. Does your writing style reveal a lot of personality? Do your word choice skills sound natural, not forced? Does your writing come across as honest and convincing? Does your writing attempt to connect with your audience? Is your attitude about the topic obvious?
YOUR TASK We will create persuasive claims (statements without proof) about various issues. WHO SAID IT??? View #1: School uniforms are lame because they don’t allow students to express their personalities. View #2: School uniforms are a great idea because they will save me from wasting my paycheck at the mall. View #3: School uniforms will require teens to dress appropriately!
Be as convincing as possible for each claim Be as convincing as possible for each claim. In a group of three, create your claims.
Next, you will turn your single claims into 4-5 sentence monologues Next, you will turn your single claims into 4-5 sentence monologues. Don't reveal the speaker! Plan on a sheet of lined paper.
Take out your "claim" worksheet and individually decide which topic you'd like to expand on. In a group of three, create your claims. Each group member must write on the poster... WITH CORRECT GRAMMAR!
As you walk around to the posters and read the other claims, write who could be the speaker of each claim on the post-its I've given you. Stick the post-its next to the paragraph it fits with. Parents? students? teachers? teens? psychologists? grandparents? a certain politician? mtv?... etc.
Journal Reflection In your journal, answer the following questions in complete sentences. Restate the question in your answer. How do you express your personality and voice through your writing? How does a writer persuade a reader to believe something? How do you think differently and express your beliefs differently than others?