Les Devoirs 5ème Year 8 Autumn T1
Vocabulary to memorise Homework 1 Creative - Il porte/Elle porte… Vocabulary to memorise Find two pictures of celebrities or a cartoon characters and glue them to a blank piece of paper. Using this week’s vocabulary and adjective rules, compose 4 sentences to describe each as to what they are wearing. Can you add some connectives and opinions? Due on 13/9/18 VOCAB TEST on 13/9/18
Translate the text into English Homework 2 AO3: Reading Comprehension & Translation Vocabulary to memorise colours and clothes Due on Thurs 20 Sep VOCAB TEST on Thurs 20 Sep Translate the text into English
Homework/ vocab test due 27th Sept AO4: Writing Write 5 sentences about which look you like / love/ hate / prefer. Challenge: Paragraphing Detail what clothes you wear for each look and explain why you like it. a. Write the English meaning. b. Memorise the vocabulary below Homework/ vocab test due 27th Sept
Homework 4 Due Date : Jeudi 4 octobre Create a poster or a mind map for the different seasons and weather condition. Eg. In summer – it is sunny b. Revise the vocabulary we have done so far from your Knowledge organiser (Reinforce and secure learning) Due Date : Jeudi 4 octobre
Creative: Draw and label your current uniform vs your dream uniform Homework 5 Due Date : jeudi 11 octobre Creative: Draw and label your current uniform vs your dream uniform Give opinions and reasons: selon moi/ à mon avis/ Je trouve que c’est…
Use your knowledge organiser Homework 6 Due Date : jeudi 18 octobre Revise vocabulary and grammatical structures in preparation for the end of topic assessments in the next 2 weeks Use your knowledge organiser Bring proof of revision for extra positive points: Posters Mind maps Flash cards Study book Bring in proof of revision for +10