“What is the difference between a manifest and a latent function?” Warm Up 2/3/14 “What is the difference between a manifest and a latent function?”
Manifest Function is the expected and intended consequence of a particular event. Latent Function is the unexpected and unintended consequence of a particular event.
Material vs. Nonmaterial Culture - All the shared products of human groups. Material Culture - Physical objects that people create and use. Nonmaterial Culture - Abstract human creations. Examples Cars Books Buildings Clothing Computers Cell phones Examples Beliefs Family patterns Ideas Language Rules Economics
Assignment Each group will be assigned one of the following components of culture Technology, Symbols, Language, Values, Norms Your group must create a poster describing your particular component Your poster must have Description of component Picture Color Your group will present your posters!
Exit Slip Name 1 thing you learned about each component. (5 things)
Homework TCTAAN – Ch 7-8 Vocabulary Due Friday!!!