The Kirtland National Security Complex U.S. Strategic Command Office Secretary of Defense U.S. Department of Energy NNSA Air Force Secretary & Chief of Staff NNSA Sandia Field Office Air Force Global Strike Command Air Combat Command Air Force Space Command Air Force Materiel Command Air Education & Training Command Air Force Special Operations Command Sandia National Laboratories 377th Air Base Wing (Installation Commander) - KUMMSC Distributed Mission Operations Center Operationally Responsive Space - Advanced Systems & Development Directorate Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center - AFRL: Directed Energy Directorate & Space Vehicles 58th Special Ops Wing / 150th Wing of the New Mexico Air Natl Guard - Para Rescue School $ Air Force Operational Test & Evaluation Center - Inspection Agency Safety Joint Navigation Warfare Center Defense Threat Reduction Agency - Missile The Air Base Wing supports all mission partners shown by providing civil engineers/personnel/finance/supply/transportation/security forces/MWR. Version14 April 2017