Complementary & Alternative Medicine EQS 200
What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine? A non-mainstream approach together with conventional medicine Alternative A non-mainstream approach in place of conventional medicine Encourages the examination of the whole body How one issue on a part of the body can cause reactivity Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Massage
Never Just One…. Complementary medicine should never be used as a substitute for thorough and complete medical care In most emergency situations, Western medicine should be the first line of treatment Treatment results are only as good as the diagnosis Track down the source of the problem Know when to refer the horse back to their routine veterinarian
Massage Systematic manipulation of the body’s soft tissues, primarily the muscles, to benefit the nervous, muscular, and circulatory systems Uses the hands, forearms, elbows Goals Promotion of circulation and tissue drainage Muscle relaxation Pain relief Loosens and stretches dense connective tissue Has a sedative effect on the central nervous system Can enhance lymphatic and blood circulatory activity
Conditions Tight muscles and joints Contracted tendons Immobile scar tissue Chronic edema Stocking up Sometimes used as part of the warm-up or as part of a rehabilitation process
Rolfing Also known as Structural Integration Deeper form of body work Applies pressure and manipulates the body’s soft tissue Goal is to alter the body’s structure, balancing it to allow for better integrated movement with the force of gravity Works with tissue that pull on bones and joints Release restrictions in the fascia and allow for the body to re-align Start at the hindquarters and work up Slower than traditional massage Helps with one-sided issues, horses rehabilitating
Friction Used to increase inflammatory response Cases of chronic tendinitis or tenosynovitis Uses small circular movements using the tips of the fingers, thumb or heel of hand
Myofascial Release Fascia Trigger points will twitch when pressed Gelatinous substance, but can become rigid and fibrous Elastic, but can be shortened with fibrotic bands when stressed Has numerous nerve endings and produce pain of a burning sensation Trigger points will twitch when pressed Aims to soften and relax fibrotic fascia Prolonged light pressure, deep pressure when needed
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