Pediatric Antiepileptic Treatment Strategies
Factors Influencing Treatment Choice
Patient Case: Jack
Patient Case: Jack (cont)
Patient Case: Jack (cont)
Correct Diagnosis and Treatment Approach?
Could It Be Benign Focal Epilepsy?
Factors to Be Considered Early On
Patient Case: Jack (cont)
Possible Reasons for Breakthrough Seizures
Other Approaches With the Second AED?
Use of Watchful Waiting and Imaging
Patient Case: Jack (cont)
Potential Reasons for Seizures
Adherence Rates in a Scottish Population Cohort
Discussing Adherence With Parents
Definitive Diagnosis? Where to Go From Here
Definitive Diagnosis? Where to Go From Here (cont)
Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: ILAE Definition
Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: Considerations
Effect of Early Seizures on Outcome
NICE Guidelines: Highlights From General Information on Pharmacologic Treatment
ILAE Summary Level of Evidence by Seizure Type for Pharmacologic Treatment
Paucity of Data on AEDs in Childhood Epilepsy
MHRA Safety Update in the United Kingdom: Risk-Based Categories for Switching Products
Patient Case: Jack (cont)
Neuropsychological and Neurobehavioral Development
NICE: Specialist Referral
Ketogenic Diet
Patient Case: Next Steps
Concluding Remarks