Figure 19.1 The Greenhouse Effect The normal greenhouse effect warms Earth to a hospitable temperature. An increase in greenhouse gases intensifies the greenhouse effect, trapping more heat and raising Earth’s temperature. Figure 19-1 p621
Air pollution endangers the well-being of more than half of Americans, including many city dwellers. p623
Renewable energy sources, such as wind, can provide more environmentally friendly alternatives. However, individual choices and behaviors also have an impact on the state of our world. p624
Portable metal containers are a “greener” alternative to disposable plastic water bottles. p626
Secondhand smoke puts everyone, including babies, at risk of serious health problems. p627
Read the labels on common cleaning products and follow instructions for use and storage to avoid possible health risks. p629
Figure 19.2 Greening Your Space Figure 19-2 p631
Pesticides protect crops from harmful insects, plants, and fungi but may endanger human health. p633
Although laboratory studies on animals indicate that EMFs affect human cell membranes, research on humans has found only a weak connection between EMFs and disease. p634
Besides listening to the music at your next concert, tune into the noise level and how your ears are feeling. p636
Figure 19.3 Louder and Louder The human ear perceives a 10-decibel increase as a doubling of loudness. Thus, the 100 decibels of a subway train sound much more than twice as loud as the 50 decibels of a rushing stream. Figure 19-3a p637
Figure 19.3 Louder and Louder The human ear perceives a 10-decibel increase as a doubling of loudness. Thus, the 100 decibels of a subway train sound much more than twice as loud as the 50 decibels of a rushing stream. Figure 19-3b p637