1. Controlling Robot through Internet Robot contains a Camera and a robotic gripper with a on board container to collect samples. The primary task will be to transmit real time video/images to our website(as followed in public cctv cameras.) The secondary task is to make an interface to control the navigation and proper working of gripper.
Diagram of expected model
2. Developing Alarm Systems that Communicate through Internet/ Wireless with Owner and send Emergency Services Signal for Help and close down specific areas in case of theft/ fire/ attack, etc (Category- Home Security)
Block diagram for alarm Systems Sensor Processing Circuit Arduino Shield connected to internet Web Server Web Server Security Emergency Services Emergency Shut down doors Rescue System Owner’s phone
3. Control Multiple devices using internet through a PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) Appliance 1 (Robot) Appliance 2 (Lights) Appliance 3 (Cameras) User Website/ Internet
4. Controlling swarm robots through/using internet http://www.vs.inf.ethz.ch/publ/papers/trifam_08_arob.pdf http://www3.villanova.edu/NLSDS/Articles/ACC_Final.pdf https://www.google.co.in/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=controlling%20swarm%20robots%20through%2Fusing%20internet
5.Smartphone based Robots controlled by internet http://workshop.iroboticist.com/robotics/android-droid/ http://www.socsci.uci.edu/~jkrichma/ABR/ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/peterseid/romo-the-smartphone-robot-for-everyone