Web Documentary Mock Up Liam Walker
Enter page What does Hull offer Premier League Football Great Shopping The Deep festivals HistoryCurrent happenings MerchandiseSt. Stephens Prospect Centre Prinny Quay Looking inside Prices, location, contact details PhotosInfo on The Deep Freedom Fest KC Stadium gigs Nightclub gigs
General Idea Came up with the idea of a web documentary that follows the same kind of path as Google Maps. When choosing what you want to look at, rather than it changing from one page to another, things just move off the screen and when hovering things, small snippets of what will come up if that button is clicked will appear on screen. If I take the root of from opening screen to St. Stephens, which is what Im going to take, when you get to picking a shopping centre, which ever one is hovered over, a computerised image would come up of that shopping centres front doors, when clicked, the computerised image would show the doors opening and the screen would move into them. When in the shopping centre (St. Stephens for example) it would become a lot like Google Maps, using the arrows the user can move forwards and backwards up the shopping centre, and when the user approaches staircases, another arrow would come onscreen and when clicked would take the user to the next floor. The user can also look to their left, right, up, down and behind using click and drag. To then exit and choose another shopping centre, the user would have to go back to the doors using the arrows, when at the doors, the same kind of thing as when entering the shopping centre, except this time it takes you back to the choose a shopping centre screen. All screens have a home button to take the user back to the What does Hull offer page. All also have background sounds that are relevant to the screen the user is on.
Opening screen Enter; Click to enter the documentar y At this point, chirping birds, quiet traffic and background, mumbled conversation can be heard When clicked, these two bits of text shoot off screen to the left and are replaced by more text shooting in from the right
Next WHAT HULL HAS TO OFFER… PREMIER LEAGUE FOOTBALL GREAT SHOPPING THE DEEP FESTIVALS Shoots in from the left when enter is pressed Continued city- sounds. Small graphic of Hull City fans celebrating and background sound changes to football fans singing when hovered over Small graphic (photo from previous festivals held) with live music recorded from a festival replacing city sound when hovered over Small graphic of St.Stephens, city sounds continue, when hovered over Small graphic (photo of inside the deep) and marine associated sounds when hovered over.
Great Shopping Where shall we go? St. Stephens Prospect Centre Princess Quay Previous background drops down out of sight when great shopping is clicked and these options drop down with it. Hovering over any of the 3 choices will bring up a small graphic of a map of all thats in there, as if someone who hasnt been to Hull before is looking to see which shopping centre has the shops theyre looking for HOME Small home button in top corner takes back to the what does Hull offer screen Clicking on any of the names bring up a computerised clip of walking through that shopping centres front doors City sounds continue
After choosing a shopping centre Background sound changes to mumbled conversations When clicked, advances a few feet further down the shopping centre When clicked, goes back a few feet down the shopping centre Same way Google Maps works Home button to take to What Hull has to offer page By click and drag, you can look to your left, right, up, down and behind.