Students (You) will be introduced to Dante's Inferno Into to Dante!! Students (You) will be introduced to Dante's Inferno
Activator This is what we will be reading this week!! Okay, kind of a stretch, but you will get the jest of it :)
Work Okay, I have created a note sheet for you guys to fill out while I go over a intro power point for Dente! Make sure you are filling this out while I go over the notes :) Now, before we get ahead of ourselves there. Let's turn to page 658 and read all of Canto I
Closing Journal #16: If you were to have a guide through the depths of hell, who would it be? Why?
Canto III and V Target: You will read and start to understand the different levels of Hell in Dante's Inferno.
Activator Let it Go Dante Style
Work Session Alright guys, you know the drill! Get out your note sheet from yesterday and we will continue to fill it out. Please open/grab your books and lets get started on our reading!! We will finish Canto III and V today. Remember, these are only sections we are reading. We will no know all the levels of hell because it would take us FOREVER to read them all!! So, who wants to volunteer?
Closing re-cap circle 5 (watch video) Now can you re-cap circle three for me just like how that video did in the "hot seat?!"
Canto XXXIV Target: Students will finish reading Inferno and understand why Dante went on this journey. They will also make connections through seeing JC characters in this level of hell.
Activator Can anyone guess this number??? XXXIV?? Gates of hell...just wait for this craziness!!!
Work Almost though our creepy reading!! Does everyone like it so far? What are our feelings? Okay, so take out your not sheet because we are going to finish them today! Let's continue reading to see what goes on in this level of hell. Crazy right?! Who did we read about that we already know?? Is that how you pictured Hell? Why are why not? We will make sure that all the reading is complete today and the worksheet is all filled out. IF TIME We will look up the other levels of hell and show the students the punishments and crimes.
Closing Write one or two sentences summarizing Dante's version of the ninth circle of Hell in this Canto
Finish the Reading and Mini Project Target: Students (You) will use imagery in Dante's Inferno to create their own level of hell
Activator Grab a laptop and wait for instructions.
Work So, today you are going to figure out what level of hell you would be in!!! There is a 50 question quiz that you will take and then.... Draw a poster of where you would be and what it would look like. BUT here are the guidelines First, after the quiz, you need to look back into our text and read about your level of hell. What is the IMAGERY being used? That should be the drawings on your poster.
Work You need to either include a drawing of yourself, or your name in the middle. You need to include TWO quotes (MLA Format) of the imagery being used in your level of hell. If we didn't read about your level its your job to search online and come up with the quotes. On the back of your drawing tell me what level of hell you would be in These are DUE at the end of class!!! Rubric: Is your name in the middle? What level of hell are you in, and why? Two quotes of IMAGERY from this canto (MLA format) Drawing/creativity of what this level would look like.
Closing Presentation of imagery project
Target: Students will be introduce to their unit project BIG PROJECT!!! Target: Students will be introduce to their unit project
Activator The seven deadly sins (sloth style hahaha) The seven deadly sins (sloth style hahaha)
Work So since yesterday you did a mini inferno project, today I will introduce you to your BIG INFERNO PROJECT!!!! After we go over the project guidelines I have a power point to show you some examples :) Let's get started!!!
Closing What option are you choosing?