11/11 / 2011
Social Networks in Census Czech Statistical Office Population Census 2011 Czech Statistical Office
BASIC INFORMATION From 7 to 25 March – census form distribution Midnight from 25 to 26 March 2011 - decisive moment 26 March – 14 April - returning the filled forms Main suplier – Czech Post (Forms distribution, Call Centrum providing)
SOCIAL NETWORKS – WHAT? Main topics: January – February: reasons for a census, data protection, usefulness of Census information March: specific questions about the census, fines + the duty to fill out the form, laws etc. April: processing questions (instructions for filling out the form, what to do in specific cases), inaccessible Call Centrum, no response to e-mails, problems with census staff
SOCIAL NETWORKS - MONITORING Monitoring and modulation of news servers discussion forums blogs etc.
FACEBOOK – example of a discussion To that point I´d like to mention that we didn´t have meny „haters“ of Census, but these people were very resistant and created about 20 % of negative reactions.
SOCIAL NETWORKS – Facebook Facebook page - suitable channel for the presentation of the activities of the CZSO in understandable way for the general public. The Office became something more concrete in the minds of people; the very abstract idea of census purpose was replaced by specific examples of how information and data can be used in practice. Regarding interactivity, which was one of the effects of communication on social networks (together with informing the people who did not actively participate), the Census page had in total 1,686 posts on the Wall and about twice that number in discussion threads. Approximately one fourth of these posts were reactions by administrators. About 50% of administrator posts had a positive effect – resolving a problem, satisfaction with the information, thanks. About 30% of reactions led to other following questions. From the 20% of negative reactions, the overwhelming majority was caused by the most active contributors who were consistently against the census.
SOCIAL NETWORKS - YouTube 7 videos („VIP“ and common people) why is Census important http://www.youtube.com/scitanilidu2011#p/u/21/s ISHm-i5dYk http://www.youtube.com/scitanilidu2011#p/u/19/Z l9cCzwyKtE
YOUTUBE – 4 informational videos How can you recognise a census officer? If you need help, whom can you ask? We do not count washing machines, dishwashers or cars. What is the “decisive moment”?
YOUTUBE – 4 informational videos How to fill out a personal census form How to fill a house census form How to fill a flat census form How to fill forms over the internet
SOCIAL NETWORKS – YouTube Number of views
SOCIAL NETWORKS – MAIN FINDINGS Practical examples of the use of Census data – turned out to be useful. The main source of information was the knowledge database. Very important was also the cooperation of the individual parties (Czech Statistical Office, PR team, media agency). Video tutorials played a significant part in providing information in the final phase of the communication. It was important to determine priorities when answering questions and create discussion threads. Some individuals created an enormous amount of content. Among the most often quoted opinions raised against the Census were those who publicly spoke against the census (anti-instructions published at dfens-cz.com). It was clear that the antipathy towards the census is primarily a reflection of a negative attitude towards Czech politics as a whole.
EFFIE AWARDS Social marketing
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