Buying a Home Your Home Inspection Presented by Your name here for Seminars’ sponsor name here
What is a home inspection? A visual, non-invasive inspection of the home as it is on the day of the inspection An examination of all major systems Usually booked after a written purchase agreement has been reached with the seller Includes a printed report explaining significant findings and recommendations Normally takes 2-3 hours You are encouraged to attend
What else? Radon testing Sprinkler Well and/or septic for a rural property
What does a home inspection cover? Exterior Components Roof Gutters Windows Doors Siding Trim Grading Driveways and walkways Decks and patios
What does a home inspection cover (Cont’d) Interior Components Doors Fireplaces Ceilings and walls Built-in appliances Structural Components Foundation Framing Floor/Slab Crawlspace Attic
What does a home inspection cover (Cont’d) Plumbing Plumbing fixtures Hot/Cold water supply Electrical Systems Electrical service entrance Electrical service panel Electrical circuits Mechanical Systems Hot water heater Heating and ventilation Air conditioning
How do you choose a home inspector Qualifications Training, experience in home inspections, construction What does he or she inspect Reports Insurance
National Property Inspections Professionally trained Impartial and independent nation-wide organization to provide technical backup Thorough, easy-to-read computer generated reports with digital photos Report available at time of inspection
Your name here and National Property Inspections Additional services Toll free phone number Accept Visa and MasterCard We can create a CD of your inspection Including all pictures taken, CMHC publications.
Paste a picture of your web page here Pull up your web site and hit the print screen button on the upper right section of your keyboard- click on this slide and click paste, leave image at full size to fill screen. Be sure to save your changes! See sample on next slide
Pull up your sample report –front page with photo of the house and hit the print screen button on the upper right section of your keyboard- then right click on this slide and click paste-leave image full sized. Be sure to save your changes!
Pull up your general information page with your name at the top-with Jane Doe and fake address - click the print screen button-right click on this page-paste and save your changes!
Paste a page or two with photos and text –see sample below Be sure to save your changes!
Paste a sample summary page here – resize it to have it fill the slide Be sure to save your changes!
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