What do you believe America’s current goals and issues are What do you believe America’s current goals and issues are? Explain each in 3-4 COMPLETE sentences.
America, the land of the….? 1. Free 2. Homeless. 3. “land of racism” 4. Safe
America’s core values Core Values: Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. They dictate behavior and action. America’s “Values”
Issues in America Diversity and Discrimination (Class, Gender, Sexuality, Race, Religion) Education (College financial aid, religion in schools) Economy (poverty, taxes, trade) Government (enough said…. )
Small Groups Get yourselves in SMALL groups of 5-6. I will assign your group one of the “issues” that America is said to be facing today. It is your groups job to create a small poster on that topic. Use each others thoughts, ideas, and opinions, to create the poster. MAKE SURE ALL GROUP MEMBERS ARE PARTICIPATING MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: Connection to reality (an actual modern relevant issue) Overall issue (what is the overall issue?) An image (relevant) A possible solution
Prompt: (2 paragraph minimum) Time to write: Prompt: (2 paragraph minimum) Is it still possible in our country (as it stands right now) for everyone to achieve the American Dream? Requirements: Date and Title your sheet American Dream passage.
American Culture Project Our English III class focuses on American Literature – The ways in which literature reflects the American culture and identity.