Homeless Connotations Stone Cold Homeless Connotations What are the connotations of the word ‘homeless’? What do you think of homeless people? How do you react when you see them on the street?
Link & Shelter Annotate key words/phrases from the extract that answer the following: What kind of person are they? What textual evidence implies that? What will this person get up to in the novel? Judging by their tone, how different are these two characters?
Extract 1 – Link You can call me Link. It’s not my name, but it’s what I say when anybody asks, which isn’t often. I’m invisible, see? One of the invisible people. Right now I’m sitting in a doorway watching the passers-by. They avoid looking at me. They’re afraid I want something they’ve got, and they’re right.
Extract 2 – Shelter Shelter. Yes. I like it. It’s got a ring to it as I’m sure you will agree. Shelter, as in shelter from the stormy blast. It’s what they’re all seeking. The street people. What they crave. If they can only find shelter everything will be fine. Well – get fell in, my lucky lads. I’m ready for you.
Pages 3 – 8 Why did Link become homeless? Evidence Why did Link become homeless? How does he feel about becoming homeless? According to Link, how do other people treat homeless people?
What emotions might Link be feeling during his first two days in London?
Research Robert Swindells. Home Learning Research Robert Swindells. Investigate: Some biographical details (age, background…) Details of his work and career Any other things of interest. Due: Lesson 3