Homeless Reduction Act CIH June 2017
Background Mears currently manages circa 10,000 homes across the UK We provide circa 5,500 homes for 50 LAs to meet homelessness demand; emergency hostels, TA and Prevention accommodation Last 12 months we housed 20,000 households Last 12 months B&B usage has risen 11% to 6,590 TA increased by 8% to 77,240 A 61% increase on 2010 This is a direct consequence of Welfare Benefit freezes on LHAs and the PRS moving out of the reach of people on benefits and low wages This is now a national issue
Background TA subsidy remain fixed at LHA 2011 The new Flexible Homeless Grant is for a limited period and causing difficult decisions making Anything called a Homeless Reduction Act must be a good thing? It will certainly offer assistance to more people than ever before It will reflect t true housing need which has been hidden It will make LAs think differently It will cost a lot more to deliver But with current economic situation where do the homes come from?
Background Andy Gale Will provide a critique of policy and what he thinks will happen Former Homeless Persons Unit Managers, Advisor to DCLG on B&B and Homelessness Now a consultant to Councils wrestling with the challenges Amber Christou Will provide a practioner viewpoint. Not a big metropolitan council but an area of economic challenges in the south east being pressured by the economics and demographics of London Head of Residents Services, Swale Borough Council