What is sustainable development? Let’s watch this video to find out!
What makes a product sustainable? It should be available within your location. You don’t need to use non-renewable resource (i.e. gasoline) in order to get that product.
What makes a product sustainable? It should be biodegradable. Biodegradation is a chemical process in which materials are dissolved by bacteria or other biological elements.
What makes a product sustainable? It should be biodegradable. Items that are biodegradable are considered environmentally friendly because they can turn back into elements found in nature.
What makes a product sustainable? X It should be biodegradable. X X Plastic, metal and glass are examples of materials that are not biodegradable. It can take decades to complete for metals and hundreds of years for plastic bottles.
What makes a product sustainable? It should be biodegradable. When non-biodegradable materials break down, they release chemicals into soil and water that can be harmful to humans and wildlife.
What makes a product sustainable? It should be non-toxic. Nontoxic materials are not considered to be harmful or destructive to human health.
What makes a product sustainable? "Materials Causing Other Toxic Effects" Materials Causing Immediate and Serious Toxic Effects" It should be non-toxic. Nontoxic materials are not considered to be harmful or destructive to human health.
What makes a product sustainable? Its source can be replenished. A renewable resource is a resource which can be used repeatedly because it is replaced naturally. Examples are: oxygen, fresh water, solar energy, timber, and biomass.
What makes a product sustainable? Its source can be replenished. Renewable resources may include goods or commodities such as wood, paper and leather, because their sources are renewable.
What makes a product sustainable? X It consumed less energy while it was being produced. X Less production process is better
What makes a product sustainable? It has recycled content.
What makes a product sustainable? It has recycled content.
What makes a product sustainable? It supports the local economy.
What makes a product sustainable? It supports the local economy.