Groundwater legislative framework GROUNDWATER PROTECTION AGAINST POLLUTION WFD requirements 80/68/EEC Directive Article 17 WFD Environmental objectives (good status by 2015) Prevent/limit pollutant discharges (authorisations) Criteria for good chemical status, protection measures River basin management, protection measures Repeal planned in 2013 under the WFD Specifications in support of WFD, no duplication
GROUNDWATER DAUGHTER DIRECTIVE (Art. 17 WFD) Orientations of the proposal GROUNDWATER DAUGHTER DIRECTIVE (Art. 17 WFD) PROPOSAL Good chemical status Pollution trend studies Prevent/limit pollution Existing EU wide standards and pollutant thresholds for GW at risk Links to measures, RBMP time frame, and point sources of pollution Consideration of direct and indirect discharges
Issues tackled by the proposal Risks of pollution from diffuse/point sources (incl. landfills, wastes, contaminated soils, agriculture) Quality standards / thresholds? Interactions with aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems? Links with SW status and EQS Prevent / Limit? Run-off Construction Products, Urban wastes Drinking water abstraction
Good groundwater chemical status EU Quality standards (nitrates, pesticides) Threshold values (national, regional, local) established by MS, taking account of interactions with aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems Common criteria for TV, compliance based on each Monitoring point Drinking water: Protected areas (Art. 6 and 7 WFD)
Trend identification and reversal Trend studies for specific pollutants (Point sources) Trend identification and reversal QS or TV 75% • • • • • • Time
Indirect discharges Landfills, contaminated soils, industrial wastes etc. Limit introduction of substances 7-12 of Annex VIII-WFD (List II of 80/68/EEC) Note that direct discharges are regulated under Article 11(3)(j) of the WFD – Transitional arrangements are included in the proposal: linking 80/68/EEC to good chemical status requirements Prevent introduction of substances 1-6 of (List I of 80/68/EEC) Construction Products, Urban wastes
Not to forget: integration of parent legislation! POLICY Seveso, IPPC POLICY Env. Impact assessment INDUSTRY POLICY Birds, Habitats URBAN SECTOR AGRI- CULTURE DRINKING WATER POLICY Drinking water POLICY Sewage sludge landfill POLICY UWW, CPD POLICY groundwater POLICY Pesticides, Nitrates, biocides POLICY Bathing water POLICY WFD
Update of negotiation process COM(2003)550 proposal published on 19th September 2003. First round of discussions at the European Economic and Social Committe (EESC) and Committee of the Regions (CoR) in October/December 2003, with parallel discussions at the Environment, Agriculture and Indsutry Commissions of trhe European Parliament Voting of opinions by the EESC, CoR, Agriculture and Industry EP commissions in February/March 2004, but debate postponed at the Environment Commission (so no voting in April 2004) Discussion rounds at Council started in June 2004, amendments being under discussions at the Environment working Group Debates restarted at the Environment EP commission with the intention to prepare a report before the end of the year, with a voting expected for February/March 2005