Dean College Transformation Kathy Walker Post University
Who Is Dean College? Small Junior College. Located in Franklin, MA. Founded by Dr.Oliver Dean in 1865. The Dean Difference “provides students with the quality teaching, personalized academic support, leadership opportunities and professional development” (Dean College, 2014b) Current President: Dr. Paula M. Rooney (1995-Present).
Technology Improving Dean Dean introduced “tablet learning” to the classrooms. Enhances student learning Promotes use of technology Preparing students for the future in the technology era Introduced new learning applications such as iBrainstorm, Smart Pens, Quizlet. Dean College looks to expand there online classes. These technologies are important to the success of students because it essential makes there education more relatable and interesting.
Scanning Advantages Disadvantages Time consuming Continuing Process Follows trends Current Building vast amounts of information True data-driven intelligence Time consuming Staying up to date on current trends Monitoring trends and making sure they are beneficial to ones organization
Scenarios Advantages Disadvantages Several futures placed side by side Unimaginable possibilities Recognize “weak signals” Coordination function Communication function Time consuming Difficult to focus on black and white scenarios More of a qualitative approach Deep understanding of field needed
Educational Technology Trends Videos For Classwork Mobile Devices Being able to connect with other students outside of class. Lets students explore assignments at their own will.; Explore different learning styles. Face to face interactions with online classes. Feedback from other students and the professor. Dean College uses a variety of different apps to enhance students learning.
Economic/Budgetary Trends How are parents paying for college Expensive “Penny pinching” reevaluating the price parents are willing to pay for college education. Wanting a Return On Investment (ROI).
Demographic Trends The importance of going to college. Economy is diminishing Students who pursue a college degree have more skills and training. 85.9% went to college to get a better job. 77.6% went to college to get trained for a specific career.
Plan for Change
Call For Action
References Dean College. (2014a). Assistive technology. Retrieved from Dean College. (2014b). History & mission. Retrieved from Dean College. (2014c). Online learning. Retrieved from The New Media Consortium. (2013). The NMC horizon report: Higher education edition. Retrieved from Huneycutt, T. (2013). Technology in the classroom: The benefits of blended learning. National math & science initiative blog. Retrieved from classroom-the-benefits-of-blended-learning.aspx Mierzner, D., & Reger, G. (2005). Advantages and disadvantages of scenario approaches for strategic foresight. Int. J. Technology Intelligence and Planning, 1(2), 220-239 Sobrero, P. (2004). The steps for futuring. Journal of Extension, 42(3),4 pgs. Retrieved from World Future Society. (n.d.-a) Scanning. Retrieved from World Future Society. (n.d.-b) Scenarios. Retrieved from Better in Violet. (2014, September 8). Using technology in the classroom: Benefits and examples. Retrieved from Dean College. (2014). Academic resources. Retrieved from Obama’s free community college plan promises to shake up higher ed. (2015). Huffingtonpost. Retrieved from Riedel, C. (2014). 10 Major technology trends in education. Retrieved from Santomero, A. M. (2005). Preparing for the 21st century economy. Business Review (Federal Reserve Bank Of Philadelphia), 1-6. Taylor, P., Parke, K., Morin R., Fry, R., Pattern, E., & Brown, A., (2014, February 11). The Rising Cost of Not Going to College: Overview. Retrieved from rising-cost-of-not-going-to-college/ The Lawlor Group. (2013). Ten trends for 2013: How marketplace conditions will influence private higher education enrollment-and how colleges can respond. Retrieved from