Session 17 CCFS-320 Reporting TJ Baugus, Principal Functional Consultant, Banner Student California Community College Solution Center, SunGard Higher Education To print this presentation: UDC Support Center FAQ 1-7RHNO7 Customer Support Center website:
Session Overview CALB extract and reports Settings in Banner that impact the CALB CCFS-320 report Balance the SVRCALS results to the SVRCALC and SVRCALD results Highlight of data in registration, schedule, catalog, etc.
Session Overview This session: setups and overview. Specifics on calculations, record selection, and results will not be covered in this session. Not covering contact hours calculations on SSASECT or CCFS-320. SGHE professional services training. Create a service request for action line assistance (not training). Note: *Review on your own* slides at end.
CALB CCFS-320 processing SVRCALX 320 Attendance Extract C3SC – Saves the data for the reports (year/district/period) SVRCALC CCFS-320 CRN Detail Report C3SC SVRCALD CCFS-320 Student Detail Report SVRCALS CCFS-320 Summary Reports SVRCALU CCFS-320 Supplemental Reports C3SC SVRCALP PE Concurrent Enrollment – only live-data report
SVRCALX extract SVRCALX 320 Attendance Extract C3SC Saves Banner application data in extract tables: SVBCALP Report definition data SVRCALT Term data (all reportable) SVRCALN CRN data (includes exception CRNs) SVRCALR Student registration data (one entry per student/census or per student/actual-CRN) SVRCALO Student Registration Override data SVRCALS Student data System only: SVBCALX Extract CRN Rules Table
Setups: Special considerations After the initial setup phase, if you change any of the CCFS-320 settings we cover, the same consideration should be given to it. Review the comments (CALB Handbook and here) noted for what you are changing. If in doubt, create a service request for action line assistance.
Setup: install instructions Example from install instructions (calb80000i.txt, CALB 8.0 New Install, summary info.) M.) Critical setups for CCFS-320 Reporting. For at least all current or to-be-reported academic years and terms, perform the following steps. These will be the terms included in an academic year reported for the CALB CCFS-320 extracts: 1. Open SVAACYR and add the academic years to be reported and setting the Leading Summer indicator. These impact the other script calculations. 2. Open STVTERM and set the Apportionment Category and the Term Length Multiplier. These impact the other script calculations. (** Now includes IS Term Length Multiplier**) 3. Open SSASECT and verify that the Attendance Methods are correct. These impact the other script calculations. 4. Run ssbsect_daily_upd_acry.sql (Note that this will only impact the summer terms with Apportionment Category = Intersession used in steps 1. - 2.) 5. Run ssbsect_actual_upd_acyr.sql (Note that this will only impact the terms used in steps 1. - 2.) 6. Run ssrmeet_upd_meet_no.sql for the same terms. 7. Run ssrmeet_upd_hrs_week.sql for the same terms. 8. Run ssrmeet_upd_hrs_total.sql. (Note that this will only impact the terms used in steps 1. - 6.)
SVAACYR Academic Year Dates (every academic year) Add the first year you will report with CALB SVRCALX, one year prior, and one year after. DO NOT adjust the start and end dates! 100% Trailing or 100% Leading Summer. Use one code format (2008 or 0708).
STVTERM Term Code Validation (every term) Apportionment Category: Not Reported, First Primary, Second Primary, Third Primary, or Intersession. Set to Not Reported at install. Term Length Multiplier: Used in total contact hours calculation for weekly attendance type CRNs. IS Term Length Multiplier: Used in total contact hours calculation for independent study CRNs.
STVTERM Term Code Validation Hint: If you see ‘Not Reported’ or wrong TLMs on your reporting terms, you will not have correct CRN data. (Install scripts updating SSBSECT and SSRMEET.)
Defines the annualizers for an academic year/district/period. SVAAPIZ Academic Year Apportionment Annualizers (every academic year’s period 1 & 2) Defines the annualizers for an academic year/district/period. Period 1 and 2 only; not relevant to the annual reports (A, R1, and R2). Default to .0000 for a new entry until the Calculate Annualizers button is used. Period-TCH / Annual-TCH = Period Annualizer
SVAAPIZ Academic Year Apportionment Annualizers
SFAROVR Registration Permit-Overrides Control (every term) Note: These changes have no impact on registration processing. Exclude from Apportionment: Exclude registrations using this override code from CCFS-320 reporting (via SFASRPO). Repeat that passes the number allowed for apportionment. Enrollment that caused the CRN enrollment to pass one of the concurrent high school enrollment rules. Only accessible if the code has a check in Repeat Hours, Repeat Limit, or Concurrent Enrollment Rule. Concurrent Enrollment Rule: Code for concurrent high school student enrollment used to lower such enrollment to 10% at most (or other percentages related to the other rules).
SFAROVR Registration Permit-Overrides Control
SFASRPO Student Registration Permit-Override (as needed) Note: These changes have no impact on registration processing. Effective Date for Apportionment: Helps identifies registration entries as “excluded from apportionment” when the override is defined by subject and course only (not CRN-specific). Effective Date for Apportionment is loaded with a date that precedes the registration activity date of the registration entry. If the SFAROVR code is Exclude from Apportionment, all registration records with the same subject and course and RSTS activity date criteria are excluded. *** Note: Explanation and example in ‘review on your own’ slides (39 – 41). ***
SFASRPO Student Registration Permit-Override
SSASECT Schedule Data Reporting Year: Refer to CALB Handbook. Most often it is a calculated, display-only value. STVTERM Academic Year by default. Some daily and some positive attendance use a calculated year when the setups require a different year per the regulations. Can manually change some summer intersession daily CRNs. Census-1 date before year-end and an end date after year end. Weekly Contact Hours, Daily Contact Hours, and Total Contact Hours: Refer to CALB Handbook. All are impacted by the Attendance Method setup. *** Note: Balancing to reports in ‘review on your own’ slides (30; 42 – 52). ***
SSASECT Schedule Data
SSASECT Meeting Data Meeting Type: Refer to CALB Handbook. The GTVMTYP code’s Lab indicator impacts the meeting’s hours reported for independent study CRNs (contact hours vs. session credit hours). Hours per Daily, Hours per Week, and Total Contact Hours: Refer to CALB Handbook. *** Note: Balancing to reports in ‘review on your own’ slides (33; 42 – 52). ***
SSASECT Meeting Data
SFAALST Class Attendance Roster SFAALST: Hours for positive attendance CH. Faculty Self Service Mid Term page Faculty Self Service Final Grades page Refer to CALB Handbook.
SVRCALP PE Concurrent Enrollment Only SVRCAL% report that uses live-application data (not the extract tables). Use this report as needed to monitor the concurrent enrollment 10% rule. Uses SCADETL sports/PE setting and SGASTDN Student Type ‘Y’ (N/A or Concurrent HS K-12 from MIS). Problem CRNs: *WARNING* Concurrent enrollment is greater than 10% Reduce the percent via the SFASRPO/SFAROVR Exclude from Apportionment override. Warning appears on SVRCALC and SVRCALD reports (extract data).
SVRCALX 320 Attendance Extract C3SC Only process that updates extract tables: academic year/district/period Re-running for the same academic year/district/period replaces the prior data. Certain data errors cause failure. (Review the message.) Correct errors and data and resubmit SVRCALX (then the reports). Output summarizes counts and problems. Counts by term and by each extract table. Exception CRNs with reasons. Examples: ‘Exception CRNs not reported: Attendance Method coded as not-reported.’ ‘Exception CRNs not valid: No Meetings.’ ‘Exception CRNs not reported: Actual CRN with no reportable student attendance hours.’
SVRCALD CCFS-320 Student Detail Report Reports data from the extract tables Last SVRCALX results for the academic year/district/period. Sections for each CCFS-320 attendance section and summary. Numbers balance to SVRCALS and SVRCALC reports. SVRCALD total CH (summary page) = SVRCALS sum of CH (EDP data). For ISNC, Part VII, two-census average use the average CH. Daily exception: *WARNING* Total CH is not equal to (Length Mult * Std CH). Numbers tie to SSASECT and registration. Attendance type/possible LAB impact. Registration reporting/regulations impact. Create a service request: *WARNING* CRN has student registration(s) noted with the invalid Apportionment Status of 'O'.
SVRCALC CCFS-320 CRN Detail Report C3SC Reports data from the extract tables Last SVRCALX results for the academic year/district/period. Identical to SVRCALD but without the student information. Numbers balance to SVRCALS and SVRCALD reports and SSASECT in the same manner noted for SVRCALD.
SVRCALS CCFS-320 Summary Reports Reports data from the extract tables. Last SVRCALX results for the academic year/district/period. Numbers balance to SVRCALC and SVRCALD reports. Refer to SVRCALD example above. FTES: Part II WEEKLY, Part V ISWEEK, Part VII ISNC: Sum(CH) * TLM / 525 * annualizer Part III DAILY, Part IV ACTUAL, Part VI ISDAY: Sum(CH) / 525 * annualizer Part VIII FTES annualizers and TLMs Faculty Contact Hours (Flex Calendar) Part I was not provided since CCCCO site produces it for you.
SVRCALU CCFS-320 Supplemental Reports C3SC Reports data from the extract tables. Last SVRCALX results for the academic year/district/period. Numbers are a subset of other report numbers. (Hard to balance.) Sections include all non-exception-CRNs where: Centers: building center code is not null. Leased Space: building is leased (‘Y’). Enhanced Funding: course is enhanced funding non-credit (‘Y’). Basic Skills: course is basic skills (not ‘N’; nulls are saved as ‘N’). In-Service: course is in-service (‘Y’). Apprenticeship: course is occupational code (‘A’ Apprenticeship-apprentice only).
Questions? Questions and Answers. *** Other topics in ‘review on your own’ slides *** – STVRSTS (31 – 32) – Flex Calendar (34 – 36) – Centers and Buildings (37 – 38) To print this presentation: UDC Support Center FAQ 1-7RHNO7 Customer Support Center website:
*** Review on your own The slides after this point will not be covered in the presentation due to time constraints but are important to CCFS-320. Review the remaining content on your own.
*** STVACCT Attendance Accounting Method Validation (one time) Review on your own Impact how the CH calculation. Refer to CALB Handbook. All indicators unchecked = ‘not reported’.
*** STVRSTS Course Registration Status Code Validation (one time) Review on your own Note: These changes have no impact on registration processing, fee assessment, or any functionality. Apportionment: Checked if this RSTS code may be used for apportionment. Not checked for waitlist, audit, and dropped-before-class-started codes. A drop/withdrawal code is checked if it could ever have actual hours reported on it. Audit: Checked if the code is an audit status.
*** STVRSTS Course Registration Status Code Validation Review on your own
*** GTVMTYP Meeting Type Validation (one time) Review on your own Impacts CCFS-320 contact hours. Lab checked to note the meeting type as a lab. Used with independent study weekly and independent daily reporting only. Any meeting coded as “lab” will use the special “split meeting” calculations for contact hours.
*** SSAEXCL Schedule Exclusion Rules (every academic year) Review on your own Impacts SVRCALS flexible calendar reporting. Add non-work-days (holidays, etc.) and mandatory flexible calendar days. Variable flexible calendar days are not listed.
*** SOACALD Calendar Day Information (every academic year) Review on your own Impacts SVRCALS flexible calendar reporting. Mandatory flexible calendar days must be listed with Flex Status = 'F' (mandatory). Variable flexible calendar days should be listed with Flex Status = 'V' (variable), but they will not directly impact the calculations.
*** SOACALD Calendar Day Information Review on your own
*** SVVCENT Center Code Validation (one time) Review on your own List all state approved centers that will be reported on SVRCALU Centers section. The Center code is added to SLABLDG Building Definition form.
*** SLABLDG Building Definition (one time) Review on your own SVRCALU CCFS-320 Supplemental Reports C3SC Any CRN with at least one meeting in a building with Leased Building checked lists in Leased Space section. Any CRN with at least one meeting in a building with a non-null Center code lists in Centers section.
*** SFASRPO Student Registration Permit-Override: Effective Date Review on your own (Repeating information earlier in presentation) Note: These changes have no impact on registration processing. Effective Date for Apportionment: Helps identifies registration entries as “excluded from apportionment” when the override is defined by subject and course only (not CRN-specific). Effective Date for Apportionment is loaded with a date that precedes the registration activity date of the registration entry. If the SFAROVR code is Exclude from Apportionment, all registration records with the same subject and course and RSTS activity date criteria are excluded.
*** SFASRPO Student Registration Permit-Override: Effective Date Review on your own Effective Date for Apportionment: How it is used. Adjust the Effective Date for Apportionment as needed in respect to the RSTS activity date. (May need to adjust during CCFS-320 analysis.) Registrations with (RSTS activity date >= this date) are excluded from apportionment. Registrations with (RSTS activity date < this date) are not excluded. They are counted in apportionment. (Null Effective Date for Apportionment are not excluded.) RSTS activity date was used due to complications with the RSTS date functionality. Agreement with the client focus group members .
*** SFASRPO Student Registration Permit-Override: Effective Date Example Review on your own Example: Dave registered for course ACCT 2460 in part of term 1 (CRN 4002 RSTS activity 01-JUL-2008) and 2 (CRN 4109 RSTS activity 01-AUG-2008). On CCFS-320 reports: CRN 4002 would count Dave in apportionment. CRN 4109 would not count Dave in apportionment.
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: WEEKLY, Part II Review on your own SVRCALC results: Length Mult = CRN’s Term TLM from STVTERM (SSASECT CH * enrollment) Std CH = CRN Weekly CH Total CH = Std CH * Length Mult CH = Std CH * enrollment Atd Ins Length Std Term CRN Sec Cmp Mth Mth Mult CH Total CH 200831 3 0 M W 2 17.50 3.000 52.500 **** Resident **** ** Non-Resident ** 4 12.00 0 0.00
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: WEEKLY, Part II Review on your own
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: DAILY, Part III Review on your own SVRCALC results: Length Mult = CRN’s # of meeting days Std CH = CRN Daily CH Total CH = Length Mult * Std CH CH = Total CH * enrollment Atd Ins Length Std Term CRN Sec Cmp Mth Mth Mult CH Total CH 200821 42 0 A D 2 35 1.500 52.500 **** Resident **** ** Non-Resident ** 1 52.50 0 0.00
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: DAILY, Part III Review on your own
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: ACTUAL, Part IV Review on your own SVRCALC results: CH = reported hours Atd Ins Term CRN Sec Cmp Mth Mth 200821 10 0 M D P **** Resident **** ** Non-Resident ** 3 18.00 0 0.00
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: ISWEEK, Part V Review on your own SVRCALC results: Length Mult = CRN’s Term IS TLM from STVTERM Std CH = LAB Weekly CH + CLAS’ credit hours Total CH = Length Mult * Std CH CH = Std CH * enrollment Atd Ins Length Std Term CRN Sec Cmp Mth Mth Mult CH Total CH 200821 39 0 M IW 2 17.50 5.000 87.500 **** Resident **** ** Non-Resident ** 0 0.00 1 5.00
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: ISWEEK, Part V Review on your own
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: ISDAY, Part VI Review on your own SVRCALC results: TLM for non-lab (CLAS): CRN’s Term IS TLM from STVTERM TLM for lab (LAB): # of days for LAB meetings Std CH = lab Daily CH + non-lab credit hours Total CH = (non-lab credit hours * IS TLM) + (lab Daily CH * lab # of days) CH = Total CH * enrollment Atd Ins Length Std Term CRN Sec Cmp Mth Mth Mult CH Total CH 200831 16 0 M ID 2 49 3.000 68.000 **** Resident **** ** Non-Resident ** 2 136.00 1 68.00
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: ISDAY, Part VI Review on your own
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: ISNC, Part VII Review on your own Two-census average: CRNs include non-credit and inmates (attribute matches SVRCALX parameter). SVRCALC results: Length Mult = CRN’s Term IS TLM from STVTERM Std CH = CRN Weekly CH Total CH = Std CH * Length Mult CH = Std CH * enrollment Atd Ins Length Std Term CRN Sec Cmp Mth Mth Mult CH Total CH 200821 40 0 M IW 2 17.50 3.000 52.500 **** Resident **** ** Non-Resident ** 4 12.00 2 6.00
*** SVRCALC CH vs. SSASECT CH: ISNC, Part VII Review on your own
End of slides End of slides. To print this presentation: UDC Support Center FAQ 1-7RHNO5 Customer Support Center website: