External Examiner Induction 19 April 2018 19/04/2018 External Examiner Induction 19 April 2018 Sandra Cairncross Assistant Principal (Widening Participation & Community) Katrina Swanton Head of Quality & Enhancement Pamela Calabrese Quality & Standards Manager
Agenda External Examining in the UK 19/04/2018 Agenda External Examining in the UK Quality & Standards at Edinburgh Napier Edinburgh Napier Academic Regulations The role of the External Examiner at Edinburgh Napier
External Examining in the UK 19/04/2018 External Examining in the UK
External Examining in the UK 19/04/2018 External Examining in the UK Universities UK & GuildHE Report on external examining arrangements (‘Finch Review’) (2011) QAA Quality Code: Chapter B7 External Examining (2011) HE Academy’s External examining handbook, (Jan 2012) HE Academy’s A Review of external examining arrangements across the UK, 2015 (Commissioned by HEFCE), (2015) HEFCE project on degree standards, 2016-2020 (professional development for external examiners)
19/04/2018 The UK Quality Code In the UK’s system of higher education, institutions are responsible for the quality of the education they provide [...and] for the academic standards of awards they offer. External examining provides one of the principal means for maintaining UK threshold academic standards within autonomous higher education institutions. External examining is therefore an integral and essential part of institutional quality assurance. Source: Chapter B7: External Examining – UK Quality Code, QAA (2011)
The Quality Code – Threshold Academic Standards 19/04/2018 The Quality Code – Threshold Academic Standards Threshold academic standards are the level of achievement that a student has to reach to gain an academic award. For equivalent awards, the threshold level of achievement should be the same across the UK. External examiners are appointed to provide each institution with impartial and independent advice, as well as informative comment on the institution’s standards and on student achievement in relation to those standards. Source: Chapter B7: External Examining – UK Quality Code, QAA (2011)
Quality & Standards at Edinburgh Napier 19/04/2018 Quality & Standards at Edinburgh Napier
Our structure Six Schools across three Edinburgh campuses 19/04/2018 Our structure Six Schools across three Edinburgh campuses School of Applied Sciences (SAS) - Sighthill School of Health & Social Care (SHSC) - Sighthill School of Arts & Creative Industries (SACI) - Merchiston School of Computing (SOC) - Merchiston School of Engineering and the Built Environment (SEBE) - Merchiston The Business School - Craiglockhart c.14,000 students on campus in Edinburgh c.4,300 students at about 25 Collaborative Partners worldwide c.1,300 online distance learners
19/04/2018 The Quality Framework https://staff.napier.ac.uk/services/dlte/quality/ qualityframework/Pages/qualityframework.aspx
19/04/2018 Key Quality Processes There are four key quality processes at Edinburgh Napier: Annual Monitoring Programme Review Programme Approval First year review of collaborative provision Each of these is described in the Quality Framework.
19/04/2018 External Examiners Reports from External Examiners inform each of these key quality processes. External Examiners play a vital role in: assuring quality and academic standards supporting the enhancement of our programmes.
University Academic Regulations 19/04/2018 University Academic Regulations https://staff.napier.ac.uk/services/dlte/Re gulations/Pages/Regulations.aspx
University Academic Regulations 19/04/2018 University Academic Regulations All members of examination boards are expected to be familiar with the contents of Sections A-C of the University Regulations. You are not expected to know all of the Regulations off the top of your head!
University Academic Regulations 19/04/2018 University Academic Regulations Regulations A3, B2 and C2 include definitions of the terms commonly used within our Boards at Edinburgh Napier. compensatory pass programme specific requirements stage of study
Assessment Regulations 19/04/2018 Assessment Regulations Overall Grade Scale Grade Distinction D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 Pass P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 Fail F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 Our undergraduate provision is assessed using a percentage mark system (0-100%). Our postgraduate provision is assessed on the basis of a 16-point grading scale incorporating three standards: Distinction, Pass and Fail.
Assessment Regulations 19/04/2018 Assessment Regulations To pass a module at the first attempt, students must achieve a minimum mark of 40% (SCQF 7-10) or P1 (SCQF 11). If two components of assessment are used, a student must achieve at least 40%/P1 on the weighted marks achieved for each component, with no individual mark for a component falling below 30%/F1. There is no minimum mark requirement for individual elements making up a component (Regulations B5.3 & C5.2).
Assessment Regulations 19/04/2018 Assessment Regulations Students are entitled to 1 compulsory opportunity for reassessment in July. The overall mark for a reassessed module is capped at 40%/P1. In exceptional cases a Programme Board has the discretion to permit one further attempt (Regulations B5.5-5.10 & C5.5- C5.12).
Continuation of Study Regulations 19/04/2018 Continuation of Study Regulations Exceptionally students may be permitted to progress to the next stage of study carrying a failure in no more than 20 credits. (Regulation B6.2) However…
Continuation of Study Regulations 19/04/2018 Continuation of Study Regulations Programme Boards must not permit a student to progress to the next stage of study carrying a fail in any programme specific compulsory or option module from a preceding stage of study. (Regulation B6.4)
University Academic Regulations 19/04/2018 University Academic Regulations Practical Session 1 In pairs or small groups, take a look at scenarios 1 and 2 in your packs. Board sheet: https://www.youtube.com/embed/3HiG639rg3s?vq=hd720
Continuation of Study Regulations 19/04/2018 Continuation of Study Regulations Programme Boards may award a compensatory pass where the student has: achieved a minimum of 35%*/F1 in a module; submitted in each component of assessment in that module and; passed all other modules in that stage of study. *In exceptional circumstances which MUST be noted in the minutes, the Board has the discretion to award a discretionary pass to a student who achieves a minimum of 30% in the module (Reg B6.3/C6.3).
Continuation of Study Regulations 19/04/2018 Continuation of Study Regulations A student not permitted to progress to the next stage of study may be permitted to continue their studies at the same level either in the same programme or on an alternative programme of study provided that the student meets the admission requirements. (Regulation B6.5)
19/04/2018 Award Regulations Regulations B3 and C3 define the criteria which must be satisfied to receive an award of the University.
University Academic Regulations 19/04/2018 University Academic Regulations Practical Session 2 Please try out scenarios 3-5 in your pairs/groups.
19/04/2018 Two Tier Board System At Edinburgh Napier University, we operate a two tier system for Boards of Examiners: Module Boards Programme Boards Some external examiners will only be responsible for maintaining oversight of module provision. Some external examiners will maintain oversight of both modules and programmes.
19/04/2018 Two Tier Board System Module and Programme Boards are held at the end of each of our three trimesters and are about a week apart. Schools use the ‘Key Dates Calendar’ to identify appropriate timing of Boards and we ask Schools to inform external examiners of Board dates as soon as possible.
Two Tier Board System The academic year: 19/04/2018 Two Tier Board System The academic year: three trimesters of 15 weeks each two main intakes of students: September – referred to as ‘Occurrence A’ January – referred to as ‘Occurrence B’
Two Tier Board System In general: 19/04/2018 Two Tier Board System In general: the Tri 2 board (May/June) considers marks and progression of Occurrence A students; the Resit board (August) considers resit results (for Occurrence A and B students); the Tri 3 board considers placement activity and results for students studying in trimester 3; the Tri 1 (January) board considers marks and progression of Occurrence B students.
Module Boards Who attends? Module leaders a Convenor* a Clerk 19/04/2018 Module Boards Who attends? Module leaders a Convenor* a Clerk External Examiner(s) *The Convenor will normally be the Dean/Head of School (or nominated senior member of staff) who has undertaken the mandatory training course. A member of staff may not serve as Convenor when it is considering a module in whose assessment he or she has been involved.
Module Board Responsibilities 19/04/2018 Module Board Responsibilities To agree the performance for each student on each module being considered. (Regulation A10.1.8)
University Academic Regulations 19/04/2018 University Academic Regulations Practical Session 3 Module Board Scenario 6
Programme Board Responsibilities 19/04/2018 Programme Board Responsibilities Who attends? Programme leaders a Convenor* a Clerk External Examiner(s) Adequate representation of additional colleagues associated with the programme(s) *The Convenor will normally be the Dean/Head of School (or nominated senior member of staff) who has undertaken the mandatory training course. A member of staff may not serve as Convenor when it is considering a programme in whose assessment he or she has been involved.
Programme Board Responsibilities 19/04/2018 Programme Board Responsibilities To consider the profile of each student studying on the programme taking account of the confirmed results and recommendations made by Module Board of Examiners. (Regulation A10.2.8)
University Academic Regulations 19/04/2018 University Academic Regulations Practical Session 4 Final Programme Board Scenario 7
The Role of the External Examiner 19/04/2018 The Role of the External Examiner
The Role of the External Examiner 19/04/2018 The Role of the External Examiner The role and responsibilities of external examiners are defined in Regulation A10. External examiners advise the Board of Examiners, but decisions on student performance and awards are those of the Board as a whole, i.e. the external examiner does not get a casting vote.
The Role of the External Examiner 19/04/2018 The Role of the External Examiner Regulation A10.4 As a minimum, external examiners are asked to review a square root sample of completed assessment assignments and comment on: Whether the academic standard of each module or programme study being considered is set and maintained at the appropriate level; Whether the standards of student performance are properly judged against the level set.
The Role of the External Examiner 19/04/2018 The Role of the External Examiner Regulation A10.4 As a minimum, external examiners are asked to review a square root sample of completed assessment assignments and comment on: Whether the assessment process is appropriate, rigorous, equitable and conducted in accordance with University guidance; The comparability of the standard and level of student achievement with those in other higher education institutions.
External Examiner Reports 19/04/2018 External Examiner Reports External examiners are asked to report annually to the University on issues relating to the ‘Academic Good Health’ of our provision (set out in Regulation A10.4) and good practice identified. Once received in the School, the annual report is distributed to appropriate staff to identify any issues raised that require investigation and consideration. A response should be sent to the external examiner.
External Examiner Reports 19/04/2018 External Examiner Reports https://staff.napier.ac.uk/services/dlte/quality/External_Examiners/external_examiners/Documents/Report%202017-18.docx Return dates: 2 July 2018 - undergraduate provision 8 October 2018 - taught masters provision
External Examiner Payment and Expenses 19/04/2018 External Examiner Payment and Expenses https://staff.napier.ac.uk/services/dlte/quality/External_Examiners/external_examiners/Pages/fees.aspx
19/04/2018 Contact Us There is a dedicated email account for all external examiner enquiries: externalexaminers@napier.ac.uk Visit the External Examiner webpage at: https://staff.napier.ac.uk/services/dlte/quality/External_Examiners