Induction and Mentoring Coordinator Meeting Welcome! Induction and Mentoring Coordinator Meeting September 7, 2018
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General Housekeeping
Agenda Welcome and Introductions SCDE Updates - SCLead - Micro-credentials for Teacher Leaders III. CERRA Updates - What’s coming? - Common Questions - Resources - Recruitment - National Board IV. Mentor Forums V. Roundtable Discussions VI. RETAIN Center Updates VII. Cross-district Collaboration VIII. Closure
SCDE Updates
Scheduling a District Training
Training Reminders “Training” can be used to schedule a training or register for a training Add attendees after the training has occurred Select passed/completed Award credential
Identifying District Mentors
Identifying District Mentors Generate List Filter Column to include only Mentors/Mentor Trainers Remember to verify list/send updates
Professional Learning Assignments Can be assigned individually or via batch assignment Active (has been assigned – by self or other) Complete (video has been viewed in its entirety)
Content Broken down by rubric domain/indicator Thus, allowing targeted support for areas of refinement/reinforcement
Micro-credentials Pilot – Phase Two
What are Micro-credentials? Micro-credentials are Micro-credentials are NOT • Competency based • Personalized, self-directed • On demand, responsive to teachers’ schedules • Shareable portable currency • Job embedded, practical • Seat time based • One-size fits all professional learning • Limited by their availability • Minimal in their public value • Limited in contextualized learning
Why Micro-credentials? In depth experience with professional learning Improve teaching and learning through experience and verification Increase teacher retention and recruitment (meaningful mentoring experiences) Sharing expertise through collective leadership Potential professional development credits
PHASE 2 STACKS Professional learning for educators at all levels: Collective Leadership Basic Performance Assessment Advanced Performance Assessment Contact Libby Ortmann (
CERRA Updates
Micro-credential stacks for mentors and beginning teachers Specialized support Alternative certification 26
Common Questions
Teacher A Teacher B Teacher C Can he/she serve as a mentor and/or a trainer? Teacher A – Previously completed the three-day Foundations in Mentoring training. Completed and passed the Online Update training during the 2016-17 academic year. While she has been trained as a mentor she has not yet served in this role. Can she serve as a mentor this year? Can she be trained as a Mentor Trainer? Teacher B - Previously completed the three-day Foundations in Mentoring training. Completed the two-day SC Mentor Training at the state or district level last year. Has five years of experience serving as a mentor in one or more districts. Can he serve as a mentor this year? Can he be trained as a Mentor Trainer? What if he served as a trainer under the old system. What must he do in order to continue to serve as a trainer? Teacher C – Previously completed the three-day Foundations in Mentoring training. Did not complete the Online Update and has not complete the SC Mentor Training. Can he serve as a mentor this year? What does he need to do to serve as a mentor? Teacher C
a. served as a mentor for at least one academic year. The Induction and Mentoring Coordinator should select experienced mentors to participate in advanced training opportunities conducted by CERRA and/or the SCDE’s OEELD, to include South Carolina Mentor Trainer Certification Training and other trainings developed by or endorsed by the SCDE and CERRA. Mentors may be eligible to receive up to a maximum of 18 certificate renewal credits upon their successful completion of any one advanced training. The Coordinator must ensure that mentors selected for these trainings have a. served as a mentor for at least one academic year.
Participants in CERRA/SCDE trainings are now required to bring a copy of their teaching certificate to training.
This slide is hyperlinked to the website. 32
Committee on Educator Retention and Recruitment Teacher Cadet Teaching Fellows Call Me Mister Alternative Certification Support Current Employees Loan Forgiveness 37
National Board Certification In fiscal year 2018, the SC legislature passed a new proviso. The new legislation stated that candidates must have applied with National Board prior to July 1, 2018, in order to be eligible for the annual $5000 supplement. The salary supplement continues at the $7500 level for anyone who has been certified and who completed the National Board (NB) application process (as an initial candidate) prior to July 1, 2010. If a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) enters into a renewal cycle (in their 8th or 9th year of certification), he/she will receive a 2nd ten year salary supplement (at the $7500 level), if the NB process was initially started prior to July 1, 2010. The July 1, 2010 deadline refers to his/her initial application to NB. 38
National Board Certification If an NBCT waits until his/her 9th year of certification to begin the renewal process, he/she could see a lapse in the NB supplement. All NBCTs are encouraged to begin the renewal process in his/her 8th year of certification. The proviso only allows an NBCT who applied before July 1, 2010, to receive the NB supplement for a total of 20 years. Supplement eligibility is determined by the NBCT’s position in the school district. Administrative positions and coaching positions that are housed at the district office are typically not supplement eligible positions. 39
National Board Certification If a person applied after July 1, 2010, and completed the 10 entry process, and is certified by the National Board, he/she will receive an annual $5000 salary supplement in the year of achieving certification, not to exceed the 10 years of the national certificate. Supplement eligibility is further determined by the NBCT’s position in the school district. Administrative positions and coaching positions that are housed at the district office are typically not supplement eligible positions. If a person applied after July 1, 2010, and completed the 4 Component process, and is certified by National Board, he/she will receive an annual $5000 salary supplement in the year of achieving certification, not to exceed the 5 years of the national certificate. Supplement eligibility is further determined by the NBCT’s position in the school district. Administrative positions and coaching positions that are housed at the district office are typically not supplement eligible positions. 40
Mentor Forums
Mentors Collaboration Collective brainstorming Additional resources Without a Forum With a Forum No chance to talk through ideas Question whether best practices are in place Limited toolbox for TLOs Difficult to support someone out of content area expertise Questionable retention and commitment Collaboration Collective brainstorming Additional resources Access to content experts Sounding board Increased retention and commitment
Establishing a Forum Schedule of meetings Monthly? Quarterly? School level or district level? Facilitator-led or participant-led sessions Professional Development opportunities Resources such as Google classroom or a Google folder
Roundtable Discussions
Professional development for mentors and beginning teachers Pairing mentors and beginning teachers Mentor forums Funding/Grants School level induction Mentoring outside the content area
RETAIN Center Updates
Cross-district Collaboration
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