Trainee induction guidance Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB) Changes to specialty trainee assessment Trainee induction guidance
Revised system for assessment Change to how ePortfolio evidence is used to determine trainee progress Aims to enhance learning through effective feedback and action plans Applies to all core and higher medical trainees from 6 August 2014 ARCP decision aids set out the requirements for each stage of training
Work place based assessment CbD, mini-CEX and ACAT tools to be used for supervised learning events (SLEs) Trainees should actively seek feedback from assessors immediately following an SLE Trainees and supervisors should formulate action plans and arrange follow-up DOPS, MSF, teaching observations and audit assessments will continue in current format
Summary of WPBAs Assessments Key points CbD mini-CEX ACAT Collectively to be known as supervised learning events (SLEs) Emphasis on self-reflection, feedback and action plans Demonstrate longitudinal progression during training period Global ratings provide trainees with a clear indication of their current attainment and development Curriculum links limited to 8 for ACAT, 2 for CbD/mini-CEX Refer to revised ARCP decision aid for specialty requirements DOPS MSF Teaching observation Audit assessment / QIPAT Continue in current format Quality Improvement Project Assessment tool (QIPAT) can be used in place of audit assessment in CMT. Other trainees can use on a voluntary basis
Linking evidence in ePortfolio ePortfolio evidence should be linked to competencies to show learning and engagement with the curriculum One piece of evidence is sufficient if it demonstrates a competency has been properly explored ePortfolio linkages of SLEs should be limited to 8 for ACAT and 2 for mini-CEX and CbD
Linking evidence in ePortfolio (2) You should self-assess and assign indicative ratings from the drop-down box for each competency you have explored Ten of the common competencies will not require linked evidence in the ePortfolio unless concerns are raised
Sampling of competencies Your supervisor should regularly sample and discuss your linked evidence, ratings and statements in the ePortfolio It is not necessary to examine all evidence and competencies to determine progress We recommend 10-12 competencies are sampled per training year. More will be required if evidence is considered inadequate
Educational supervisor report The educational supervisor’s report is pivotal to the ARCP process and includes a summary of multiple consultant reports (MCRs) and multi-source feedback (MSF) Your supervisor will report on your engagement with the curriculum determined by sampling of evidence and competencies
Guidance The following resources are available on the JRCPTB website Guidance for trainees Guidance for supervisors ARCP decision aids Assessment methods Specialty placement checklists for CMT/AIM The JRCPTB is part of the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom