ADVERTISING Mrs. Papazoglou
Strategies for advertising An advertising strategy is a plan to reach and persuade a customer to buy a product or a service.
Fear Advertisers use FEAR as a way to get you to buy products. Common examples: Attractiveness Unsafe or danger Rejection Being left out
Needs Advertisers use NEEDS as a way to appeal to your emotional needs. The promote their product as a way to satisfy an emotional need. The need for acceptance and belonging The need for security The need for change, variety and excitement The need to be attractive The need for self acceptance
Ideal kids and families Ideal families show happy families doing activities together. Everyone is smiling and happy. Advertisers will often use children older than they are being portrayed. A commercial targeting 8 year olds will use an eleven or twelve year old playing with an eight year olds toy. The message- if you want a happy family the buy or do the activities that are being shown.
Are you cool enough Advertisers will use this technique in order to make you believe that if you don’t use their product then you aren’t cool. If you use their product then suddenly you will fit in and be happy.
Amazing Toys This strategy shows toys doing amazing things. Picture a car on a track doing a loop. If you have ever bought a toy based on a commercial and then when you tried to replicate what you saw on television were disappointed then you have been a victim of this kind of advertising trick.
Weasel Words These are words advertisers use that hold little or no meaning when it comes to their product. New and improved All Natural Real
Put Downs This is when an ad puts down it’s competitor to make it’s product seem more desireable.
Heartstrings Commercials that create an emotional reaction. McDonald’s commercial with a Dad and his son Puppies, kittens and cute kids We are more attracted to products that make us feel good.
Celebrities Advertisers use celebrities to sell everything from shampoo to skin care and credit cards. Sneakers and sports equipment use star athletes to sell products to kids and adults that see themselves as athletic or would like to see themselves as athletes. What’s in your wallet?
Family Fun These commercials say that if you buy this or go to this restaurant or amusement park you will have a happy family. Restaurants Board Games Disney and Universal Studios
Facts and Figures This strategy uses facts and numbers to get you to believe that their product is superior. 9 out of 10 dentist recommend Trident
Bandwagon Don’t be left out. Join the crowd. Everyone is buying this product.