stem fair project By Nathan Hurley
Which fruit juice is the most dense - fruit punch, grape juice or pear juice? QUESTION
The fruit juice with the highest sugar serving size ratio is the most dense. HYPOTHESIS
Compute sugar serving size ratio for each fruit juice being tested. Pour a small amount (about one inch) of one juice into a glass with a small diameter. Using a dropper, slowly add a different juice by carefully dropping it down the inside of the glass. Rinse out the dropper. Repeat step #3. EXPERIMENT
sugar (g) serving size (fl.oz.) ratio Fruit Juice sugar (g) serving size (fl.oz.) ratio Fruit Punch 3.04 Pear Juice 3.625 Grape Juice 4.5 ANALYSIS
We added about an inch of pear juice to the glass We added about an inch of pear juice to the glass. Then we slowly added some grape juice using a dropper. The grape juice sank to the bottom and made a layer below the pear juice. After rinsing out the dropper, we slowly added some fruit punch to the glass using a dropper. The fruit punch stayed on top of the pear juice. ANALYSIS
Analysis Grape juice on bottom, pear juice on top Fruit juice layered on top of pear juice and grape juice Adding grape juice to pear juice Analysis
Of the juices tested, grape juice was the most dense and fruit punch was the least dense. This confirms our hypothesis, as grape juice had the highest sugar serving size ratio (4.5) and fruit punch had the lowest sugar serving size ratio (3.04). conclusion