Adult Social Care Worker TrailBlazer


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Presentation transcript:

Adult Social Care Worker TrailBlazer Helen Wilcox Woodford Homecare

Employer Support 57 Employers across whole sector 6 Awarding Organisations 23Learning Providers 7 Miscellaneous including the Department of Health, JUC/SWEC and 5 Trade Associations

Three levels of employer involvement Leadership – Task and Finish group Contribution- All supporters including Employer Champions Consultation All service areas of the Adult Social Care Sector

Task and Finish Group Organisation Name Lead Representative Type of Employer Woodford  HomeCare Helen Wilcox   SME Domiciliary Care West of England Centre for Inclusive Living (WECIL) Gabbi Micro Personal Budget Hertfordshire County Council Paul Rainbow Large Local Authority Hendra Healthcare (Ludlow) Limited Vince Burmingham SME Residential Care Home Barchester Health Care Mark kite National Residential/Nursing Care Hand in Hands Michelle Dudderidge SME Supported Living (LD) Creative Support Ray Corry Large Employer LD/Mental Health Oxford County Council Helen Hannay Local Authority Housing 21 Emma McCarthy National Employer

The Standard Levels Skills required to do the job   Apprenticeship Standard for Adult Social Care Occupation, Adult Social Care Worker Skills required to do the job Knowledge required to do the job Professional, interpersonal skills Social care workers must: • Protect the rights and promote the interests of service users and carers; • Strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service users and carers; • Promote the independence of service users while protecting them as far as possible from danger or harm; • Respect the rights of service users whilst seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people; • Uphold public trust and confidence in social care services; and • Be accountable for the quality of their work and take responsibility for maintaining and improving their knowledge and skills. Attributes and behaviours May be populated from the code of practice detailed listings against the code titles?? Qualification H&SC DIPLOMA English and Maths Levels Level 2 level 2 or equivalent

Timelines Early March; apprenticeship week - Public announcement of phase 2 Trailblazers Mid June - Deadline for phase 2 trailblazers to submit standards (Standards will then go to a panel, and then to minister for approval). Early July - Publication of approved phase 2 standards

Task and Finish Group Timelines Two face to face meetings 21st March 3rd June Ongoing weekly telecoms between the March and June face to face meetings.