Adding a Care Session – School Age/Flex Scheduling (Categories are the second level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class.


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Presentation transcript:

Adding a Care Session – School Age/Flex Scheduling (Categories are the second level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 1.) A session can be added in one-of-two ways: i. After adding/creating a Class, click “Add Session”. ii. Class > Search for Class > Click green “more options” dropdown to the left of the Class ID, & select “Add Session”. (Please Note: If you are unable to search for a new class you created, be sure to adjust the search criteria to show “Both” published/unpublished, with/without sessions, & active/inactive classes; then, click “Search” again.

Adding a Care Session (Categories are the second level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 2.) On the Add Care Session – Basic Info screen, enter the Session ID (extension of Class ID; suggest including school year), select the Location from the location lookup icon, & check the “Not Available for Online Registration box if you do not want families to be able to register for the session online (please note: if the box is checked, registrations will be managed in the back office; but, parents will be able to schedule/make payments online after registered). Then, click “Continue”. 3.) On the next screen, configure the recurrence pattern. Enter/select the start & end times (ex: open/close times for your program), & the start & end dates for the session (ex: first & last day of school). Then, click “Add Recurrence”. optional Class ID defaults; add extension

Adding a Care Session (Categories are the second level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 4.) The Configure Recurrence box will open (the recurrence is the pattern that the session will occur). Select your Recurrence Criteria (will the class be meeting in a daily, weekly, or monthly pattern?). For example, if the session will be held every weekday, select the Recurrence Criteria for “Daily”, & “Every Week Day”. In the Duration section, the Ending Date will default to the End Date you entered on the previous screen. If necessary, modify the end date; or, select for the session to end after a certain # of recurrences. Then, click “Prepare Recurrence”. 5.) Your recurrence pattern will generate, & the session dates/times/location will now be displayed. Scroll to the bottom of the Configure Recurrence box, & click “OK” to save recurrence pattern & close the Configure Recurrence box.

Adding a Care Session (Categories are the second level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 6.) If the account code was added in the Class, it will be defaulted in the session. If the account code field is blank, click the account code lookup icon to select an account code for this session. 7.) In the Configure Enrollment Fee section, select whether an enrollment fee is applicable for the session. If you select “Yes”, select the type from the Fee Type dropdown menu. If you offer a promotion on the enrollment fee, configure the promotion details (start/end date, amounts). Based on the Enrollment Fee Type, your amounts will default based on what was configured in your Care Parameters. If needed, you can modify the amounts displayed.

Adding a Care Session (Categories are the second level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 8.) In the Configure Schedule & Fee Type, select if you would like to use the calendar for schedule selection, the Fee Type (daily/weekly/monthly, & which Schedule Option(s) you would like to use (adjust the start/end times for the schedules as needed). 9.) Next, configure your rates based on the Fee Type & Schedule Options you selected. Select whether full payment is required at registration, or when scheduling; if “No”, the billing cycle will invoice the accounts. Configure deposit, employee discount, & field trip, if applicable. Optional if there are holidays you wish to override & allow attendance for

Adding a Care Session (Categories are the second level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 10.) If you have your Care Staff input in the system & wish to associate them with a session, click “Select Worker”. In the Select Worker box, click “Select” that corresponds with the correct Care Staff member. 11.) Next, configure your Online Registration start/end dates & times. The system defaults the employee & general public dates/times to be the same. If you want to set different dates/times, uncheck the “Same as General Public” box & modify the dates/times as needed. (Please note: these are required fields, & must be configured even if you are not making the session available for online registration.) Optional if there are holidays you wish to override & allow attendance for

Adding a Preschool/Tuition-Based Care Session (Categories are the second level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 12.) Configure your max./min. seat count for each day. Also, input any Session Notes (optional) you wish to display with the session on your public site; or, Back Office Notes to display during back office registrations (optional). Once complete, click “Save & Publish” or “Save”. The session is now complete. Optional if there are holidays you wish to override & allow attendance for