World War III Losers--United States and our allies U.S. had not wanted to go to war Had made treaties, commitments to allies Had to honor treaties
Problems during the War Soldiers and civilians did not have enough supplies Hunger Thousands die from malnutrition
Problems during the War Many casualties US has to surrender, seek peace
Peace Treaty U.S. must accept full responsibility for WWIII Has to pay $500 billion in reparations
Peace Treaty Land won in the 1800s returned to Mexico
Peace Treaty Washington and Oregon annexed by Canada
Peace Treaty Army cut in size
Peace Treaty U.S. occupied Has to trade with victors
Other postwar problems Inflation 35 cents $35,000
Other postwar problems Unemployed 25-40%
Other postwar problems Vigilante groups Former soldiers Frustrated with government Violent protests and marches
Politics after the War President Frederick Williams (in office during the war) is thrown out by revolution Paul Hinman President since 2012 Former general 84 years old
The election of 2020 Now 24 political parties 4 main candidates for President
Current President Hinman War hero Old and in bad health Hates treaty, but feels US must obey Does not want to revise Constitution Believes traitors caused US to lose the war Wants people to have faith Favors big business Controls prices and wages Ignores workers
Theodore Duston Leader of Veteran’s association Wants to ignore treaty Says government should be run by the Army, business owners, and wealthy Anyone who goes along with treaty is a traitor Wants to rebuild military
Ernest Taylor Former subway worker Experienced politician Wants to give power to groups of workers Government should take control of farms and factories Lower unemployment Does not want to waste money rebuilding the military
Arthur Haley Former soldier, battlefield hero “Americans must strive for liberty and honor” Opposes immigration Only citizenship for people born in US Government should control industry Against treaty Certain religious and political groups betrayed the US, caused loss in the war
Arthur Haley Wants to : Lower interest rates on loans Increase Social Security Increase medicare Wants free college for the poor “It is the responsibility of the youth to raise America from the ashes of defeat”
President Hinman Theodore Duston Ernest Taylor Arthur Haley