Welcome to CUB SCOUTS!
Pack 123 Intros (insert picture of pack doing something fun!)
What is Cub Scouts? Cub Scouting is fun! Fun family times! Program for boys in grades 1-5 Do things and go places! Earn awards! Year round opportunities for fun!
Things we do: Fishing Skating Party 4th of July parade Rocket launch Bike rodeo Pinewood derby Day camps (share printed copies of unit calendar)
Boys’ Life Magazine Official magazine of the BSA Order through the Pack and you will receive the Cub Scout edition Boys‘ Life is $1 per month and delivered to your son
Cub activity:
Pack 123 - Organization The Pack is all of the boys (grades 1-5) and their adult leaders The Pack meets once a month for a fun meeting (Pack meeting) The Pack is divided into “Dens” by grade, these Dens meet 2-3 times a month
Dens Tiger (7 or 1st grade) Wolf (8 or 2nd grade) Bear (9 or 3rd grade) Webelos (10 or 4th grade) Arrow of Lights (11 or 5th grade) All Scout Activities are age-appropriate
Volunteers Parents make Scouting go! Cub Scouts is designed to help parents spend time with their child Parents participate with their son Parents are the major source of pack leadership (plan events, run den meetings)
Training for Volunteers Training is offered to ensure a quality program and to keep our boys safe Every boy deserves a trained leader Upcoming Trainings: October 14th October 21st October 28th November 11th
Pack 123 - Information We are chartered by: Lutheran Church We are part of the Mohawk District of the Glacier’s Edge Council Our Council provides tools, training, guidance, runs major activities and operates 2 camps Camp Indian Trails in Janesville Ed Bryant Scout Reservation in Mauston
Pack 123 - Information Pack meetings are held on: Our next Pack meeting is: Location: Time:
Pack 123 - Information Cub Master contact info: Committee Chair contact info:
How the Pack funds itself Pack dues (if any) Annual fundraisers Popcorn Sales Flower Sales Etc.
Registration Fees BSA Registration is $32 Pack Dues are $ (if any) Boys’ Life Magazine is $16 (optional) Make checks payable to “Pack 123” There will be additional costs for campouts, uniforms and handbooks etc.
Friends of Scouting The $32 paid to join the Boy Scouts of America is not the full cost to participate in Scouting. Each family will be asked to make a charitable contribution to support Scouting at some point during the year.
Ensure all Dens have full leadership! Den Breakouts Take 10 Minutes to Ensure all Dens have full leadership!
Let’s sign up! Complete an application for your son Complete an adult application for you Turn in your paperwork and fees
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