Jeopardy The Body Animals Describing people Numbers 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
The Body - For 100 Shoulders hombros
The Body - For 200 knees rodillas
The Body - For 300 feet pies
The Body - For 400 DAILY DOUBLE: you can wager up to the total number of points you currently have. eyes ojos
The Body - For 500 ears orejas
Animals - For 100 dog perro
Animals - For 200 cow vaca
Animals - For 300 sheep oveja
Animals - For 400 duck pato
Animals - For 500 rooster gallo
Describing People - For 100 tall alto
Describing People - For 200 strong fuerte
Describing People - For 300 Good looking guapo
Describing People - For 400 ugly feo
Describing People - For 500 DAILY DOUBLE: you can wager up to the total number of points you currently have. short bajo
Numbers - For 100 10 diez
Numbers - For 200 7 siete
Numbers - For 300 11 once
Numbers - For 400 15 quince
Los Verbos - For 500 21 veintiuno
Final Jeopardy Category: The Date Give the date in Spanish for TODAY: May 17, 2017 Hoy es… el diecisiete de mayo de dos mil diecisiete.