Digital Certificate Based Security Payment for QR Code Applications Jing Zhang, Shi-Jian Liu, Jeng-Shyang Pan, and Xiao-Rong Ji
Outline Introduction Problem Statement and Preliminaries Authenticated QR code based on Digital Signatures Experimental results Conclusions Q. & A.
Introduction In this increasingly interconnected world, it is the second nature for people to communicate, socialize and share information through a huge number of media platforms, often simultaneously. A rapidly growing social interaction technology is the use of Quick Response (QR) codes as physical shortcuts to Internet resources.
Introduction In the meanwhile, attacks also gain in conveniences from the popularity of QR codes, and the public should concern about the security of the widespread used QR codes. authentication mechanism merchant client
Contributions An authenticated QR code generating method is proposed in this paper, digital signatures techniques are involved to ensure the authentication. An authentication scheme is introduced, including the Certificate Authority based authentication mechanism and the way of certification based on the proposed QR code.
Outline Introduction Problem Statement and Preliminaries Authenticated QR code based on Digital Signatures Experimental results Conclusions Q. & A.
The QR standard [1] Information technology-Automatic identication and data capture techniques-QR Code 2005 bar code symbology specication, ISO/IEC 18004, (2006).
Outline Introduction Problem Statement and Preliminaries Authenticated QR code based on Digital Signatures Experimental results Conclusions Q. & A.
A three-phases basis workflow digital certificate generation authenticated QR code generation authenticated QR code certification The frame can be divided into three phases. The rst phase is named the digital certicate generation (Section 3.1), in this phase public and private keys are generated according to a authentication mechanism, which using the Public Key Infras- tructure (PKI) technology. The public key can be published with the designed Ph.2 Ph.3
P1. Digital certificate generation ID-based cryptography Certification Authorities (CA) private key public key : Keyword (merchant's identity)
P2. Authenticated QR code generation
P3. Authenticated QR code verification
Outline Introduction Problem Statement and Preliminaries Authenticated QR code based on Digital Signatures Experimental results Conclusions Q. & A.
Results All forged QR codes can be detected successfully. If the authentication fails, entrance of the web site through the URL will be forbidden, which can make sure the security of the QR code.
Outline Introduction Problem Statement and Preliminaries Authenticated QR code based on Digital Signatures Experimental results Conclusions Q. & A.
Conclusions Aiming for guarantee the QR Code based payment security, authenticated QR codes along with both the generating and resolving methods are proposed in this paper. Digital signatures techniques are involved to ensure the certificate information of goods delivered by QR code. One limitation of the proposed QR codes is that, since the signature is encoded along with the original message, a much larger capacity for QR code is required comparing with the traditional one.
Digital Certificate Based Security Payment for QR Code Applications Q. & A. Digital Certificate Based Security Payment for QR Code Applications Jing Zhang*, Shi-Jian Liu, Jeng-Shyang Pan, and Xiao-Rong Ji