Welcome to SMG Classroom Fast Track Episode #3 Target Lessons Before, During & After SMG Your Host Jim Ford Colorado, Florida, Maine, New Hampshire SMG Coordinator JimFordmesmg@gmail.com 207-240-4209
"Creating Young Investors, One at a Time” CHRISTOPHER ANDERSON STOCK MARKET GAME COORDINATOR for MICHIGAN, IOWA, INDIANA, OREGON and the INTERNATIONAL Program "Creating Young Investors, One at a Time” WWW.SMGMAN-MI.ORG
Understanding SMG: (reviews program fundamentals) Before You Invest (concepts students need to know BEFORE they enter their SMG portfolio) What is a company? What is a stock? Identifying Ticker Symbols and Interpreting Stock Quotes Selecting Your Investments (concepts that assist students as they make their investment picks. It is encouraged that students begin entering their first trade/s at this point in the program) What is diversification? Stock Research Guide What is risk? Tracking your Investments (concepts that assist students after they have entered trade/s) What causes stock prices to change? Buy, Sell, or Hold Reflections (summing it up) How Successful Was my Investment Strategy?
Welcome to the Stock Market Game Program! Welcome to the Stock Market Game Program! Here is your Teams Login info. Assigned Team Ids : Advisors and students should go to StockMarketGame.org login. Advisor Login Username:ME_16_T822735, Advisor Password:u5dwvKNA The following usernames and passwords access trading portfolios: Class Name:SIFMA Prep Number of Teams:5 Team Login Username:ME_16_A512, Password:bQs3dyr0 Team Login Username:ME_16_A561, Password:q1uVofKf Team Login Username:ME_16_A562, Password:NUHgBmWS Team Login Username:ME_16_A563, Password:Cw9t5sCC Team Login Username:ME_16_A564, Password:RMuh4oBL
The SMG Classroom Fast Track Learning Episodes Episodes #1 SMG Registration As Easy As 1-2-3 #2 Start Here: Teacher Support Center #3 Target Lessons Before, During & After SMG #4 SMG Know The Rules #5 Student Introduction to Research #6 Team Portfolio Pages Navigation & Understanding #7 Let’s Trade Today #8 Winning With Diversification #9 Rankings & Weekly Team Analysis #10 Connections to InvestWrite, Invest It Forward & Capitol Hill Challenge