English III Final Project


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English III Final Project Research: Unique American Scandals

A Closure to American Literature As we close our final unit for English III, you will conduct research to present a unique American scandal from the 20th or 21st centuries. *Choose your own groups of 4-5 (CHOOSE WISELY!!!) *Your group will be assigned an American scandal *Conduct research and make an annotated bibliography to represent your sources (at least 4) *Make a PowerPoint and present your American scandal to the class (with proper in text citations!!!)

What is a scandal? According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, a scandal is “an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.”

Slides 1: Title Page Include the name of your group’s scandal and all group members’ names

Slides 2-3: Who? Identify and describe all people involved with this scandal. It’s not enough to just say who they are. Be sure to give a some background and details for each person Cite all information you find Example: One article describes Casey Anthony as very friendly and smart as a young girl; someone who came from they typical American family (“Casey Anthony Biography”).

Slides 4-5: What? Describe your group’s American scandal What laws (moral or legal) were broken? Be specific and give lots of details Make sure to have enough information to fill up two slides! Cite all information you find

Slides 6-7: When and Where? Identify the time period in which this happened It is not enough to just give the year(s) Make sure to give a good description of what was going on during this time period Identify where this happened Give details of the area and and different demographics associated with the area Cite all information you find

Slides 8-9: Why and How? Think about why and how this happened Why is this considered a “scandal”? Why is this a unique or well-known scandal? Cite all information you find

Slides 10: Personal Reflections Simply put your own personal opinions or ideas about this scandal in particular Did you enjoy researching about this? Why or why not?

For the safety of your own grade: Copy the following statement down on a sheet of loose leaf paper, then sign your name: “I fully understand that my teacher has taught me how to properly cite my sources. I understand that using someone else’s words OR ideas without citing is considered plagiarism. I understand that if I fail to properly cite my sources, I will receive a 0/F.”

Very Important Reminders: Each person in the group is responsible to carry their own share of the work All English III teachers are fully aware of what is on the internet, so do not try to pass someone else’s work as your own Use purdue.owl website if you have any questions about citing Annotated Bibliography will be worth 100 points PowerPoint Presentation will be worth 100 points A maximum of 4 direct quotations allowed

Topic Options: These will be chosen randomly by your group. 2nd Hour 5th Hour OJ Simpson Trial Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding Feud Princess Diana Affairs/Death Black Sox Scandal Teapot Dome Scandal President Kennedy/ Marilyn Monroe Affair Michael Jackson Trial Biggie/Tupac Death Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinksy Scandal Pete Rose Betting Scandal William Jefferson Scandal Watergate Scandal